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Mother once shared about her origins and time on Earth. She loved Christmas, and winter was her favorite season. She loved how it was perfectly acceptable to stay home all day long during the cold, instead of being expected to go out and get some sun in the summer.

This is probably the only thing I share in common with her.

It's a pity, really. Arella would never be as close to me as Azar once was. But Azar died, and now there's no one.

Raven looked over the city atop a skyscraper in her new suit, feeling liberated and fresh. The cold winds have begun blowing into the city, and she loved the feeling of it brushing against her face, which was concealed completely by her hood.

But now wasn't the time to sight-see. Raven was where she was precisely because of one thing - her father. Or more specifically, his followers. The same denomination of people who tried to abduct her on her second day on Earth.

With all the power she had now it'd be a waste if she didn't spend them fighting against her so-called creator, she reasoned. Besides, she was set on never letting anyone be his vessel anymore. Trigon's family tree would die with her the day she takes her last breath. She was going to make sure of it.

She took out a notepad and a pen, beginning to write up a list.

1) Church of Blood, Gotham (led by Brother Sebastian Blood now)

2) Church of Blood, Los Angeles (Brother unknown)

... and so forth

She had been diligently poring over newspaper clippings, online articles, websites and even social media outlets. They had begun to focus on public relations as a means to boost their popularity and appeal.

She also noted the dates which these churches would convene and choose a member to be the Summoner. That was what they picked her mother for - to summon and to be in contact with Trigon. Except that contact with Trigon proved to be the worst mistake Arella had ever made in her life.

Before she knew it, the page was filled with neatly detailed tables and plans as to what to do with the churches. In all the states of America, they existed in only less than half.

"A grand plan you got there." Slade came up from behind her as she shut her notepad and stuck her pen among the pages.

"Thanks. I've spent some time reading and searching about everything to do with the Church of Blood. I'm surprised there are this many people who are dumb enough to join it. It's worrying, really. In other universes and galaxies they place faith in him out of sheer terror and force. Yet here on Earth..." She shook her head in disbelief. "It's ridiculous. It almost makes me not want to stop my father from coming here to conquer this universe."

"Welcome to America, kid. That's the First Amendment for you. Frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You do you, Deathstroke." Raven stood up, getting ready to leave with him for training. "Let's go."

"You get better and better by the day, Raven." Slade remarked as she threw him back with a kick powered by her dark energy. He landed on his feet as he absorbed the impact by digging his feet against the ground. Lunging forward with his metal staff in hand, he faked a left strike before striking right. Raven fell back as she was hit, grunting in the process. "But there's still room for improvement." He held out his hand for her to stand up.

"There always will be." She got up and dusted her hands. "This is unrelated, but recently with what happened to Cheney, I realized that my hold on emotions became a lot stronger."

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