chapter 5~ the meet up

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The next three days were horrible just the thought of someone or something watching me, lingering in my head worried my every move.  I took every step cautiously and was aware of my surroundings, even In the privacy of my own home. Just waiting for someone to show up. I think I was hoping maybe he would show up but I was so cautiously standing my ground I think even if he did, I would be frightened of him. After a while with  the day drawing to an end I check to see if the coast is clear so that I can go meet him. Outside there is no sounds only the gushing of the wind and the sound of birds communicating to other birds. I decide the coast is clear and walk outside and then run to my car  while doing this I see pedestrians going for a walk and they are staring at me so weirdly I decide to stare and freeze like a statue they must be laughing as the distantly walk away. I get into my car as quick as I can and drive to this address to meet jai. When arrive at this distant location I cautiously look at my surroundings and make sure that nobody is watching/ following me. Whilst doing this I don’t realize that somebody was behind me until I feel a slight tap on my shoulder and jump away and scream at the same time I’m so talented  and I hear somebody say “hey ,hey its okay we don’t need to draw attention to ourselves okay?” .

Relieved to be finding myself at an incredibly close distance the only person that makes me feel safe and secure, jai. While getting lost in his emerald eyes that lure me in like the hunter and his prey. Getting lost in the moment all common sense is knocked out of me and I close my eyes and lean in for what I though was a dream and then I get a sudden shove right back into reality. I find myself on the floor with a pain in my head I try to sit up and I fall back down suddenly like the feeling I get when I use my iPod too long dizziness that’s it and the shock of it pains me I moan in frustration and slowly get up. Concerned about the past train of events I stare into the distance to see a black figure too hard to depict who. I start yelling “jai! What happened!’ and start to walk over to the figure ;at about 5 meters away the nauseousness started to wear off and I look up and my vision comes Into focus. I stare confused at the now crouching figure with the menacing stare on his face. I turn and start to run a short distance before I get tackled from behind flipped and then pinned on my back to see the beastly face looking at me I open my mouth to scream for help when a bog hand covers my mouth. I decide to bite it even though it might taste bad!  And he is paralysed for a moment I struggle to get out of his hold before the predator comes back I run for another short distance around the corner of a house and find him again I turn around avoiding him and I am cut in the realisation I am cornered with no escape only the hope I have when Edward Cullen went to save Bella. With no escape route I decide to give up and watch the sudden emerging of the beasts one of them reaches into their pocket and pulls out a handkerchief containing some sort of substance and then I pass out.

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