Chapter 23

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He walked me to my class and left me with Zayn in Art again…


I left Piper with Zayn and went off to my class. I was thinking about what Penny had done to Piper. Just seeing my beautiful girlfriend lying on the floor in pain, made my heart break. Penny was low, so low. I was so deep in thought that I completely walked past my class and bumped into someone. It was Luke. He was standing outside the girl’s bathroom leaning up against a locker.

‘Sup Styles?’  He spat, an evil smile appearing on his face.

‘What do you want Luke?’ I said, in disgust at him.

‘Nothing, just roaming the halls.’ He smiled as he started to walk away. That was weird, he’d usual try and fight me or start an argument or something. I let it float to the back of my mind as Penny left the girls bathroom.

‘Harry, wait.’ She called. She ran, more like skipped, over to me.

‘What do you want?’ I asked. I felt anger rising in me as she got closer.

‘Umm, sorry about earlier. Tell Piper that? I want to make it up to you! Like take you both out to a coffee shop and apologise properly. I just want us all to be friends.’ She smiled at me, she looked like she meant it..

‘Right? Why?’ I asked.

‘I said, I want us to be friends.’ She repeated.

‘Fine, when?’ I wasn’t really paying much attention.

‘Tonight, 7:15? Starbucks? ’ She smiled, flashing her piercing white teeth.

‘Okay I’ll tell Piper.’ I said.

‘NO.’ She shouted. ‘I mean, I probably bump into her later. Plus I want to apologise properly. You know?’ She laughed.

‘Right okay?’ I said,

‘Well I better get to class.’

‘Yea, bye.’ I said as I watched her hobble off. I turned back to go to music for the last 20 minutes.


Zayn and I were walking to the canteen for lunch. Penny stood at the door, leant up against the wall next to it.

‘PIPER!’ She called; she had a tint of sweetness in her devilish voice.

‘Fuck.’ I sighed under my breath. Zayn must have heard me seeing as he step in front of me.

‘Don’t worry, I’m here.’ He whispered. I giggled as we continued to walk.

‘Piper, wait!’ She called she ran over to me as fast as her stubble legs could take her.

‘Stay away from her Penny.’ Zayn scowled as she stepped in front of us.

‘No, wait! Piper, I want to say sorry!’ She panted.

‘Whatever?’ I replied. Zayn and I tried to walk past her but she stopped us.

‘Wait, I want to start over. Like, be friends! I’ve already apologised to Harry and he agreed to meet me tonight so I can make it up to you both! Please come!’ She grabbed my arm, giving me a smile. I was confused; first she wanted to kill me and now she’s being all nice. Something’s up.

‘Umm, Harry agreed to it?’ I asked, annoyed that he’d agree without consulting me.

‘Yea.’ She said.

‘Oh right.’ I felt anger rising in me but I tried not to show it. I looked at Zayn and he gave me a sympathetic look. I turned back to her and she look like she meant every word. Maybe she did. ‘Yea, okay! I’ll come what time?’ I asked.

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