Chapter 26

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I shut my eyes and started thinking about everything. How lucky I was to get her back. How I was falling asleep with the most gorgeous girl in my arms.


I woke up, and Piper was still sound asleep. She was so beautiful when she slept. Her head had moved onto the pillow, her hair sprawled all across it. Her chest was rising up and down at normal rate. I watched her for a few moments, smiling to myself. I gently got up from bed, not waking Piper up. I grabbed a towel and walk down the hall into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and let it run for a few seconds to heat up. I took off my boxers and hopped into the shower. I let the steamy hot jets run down my body. I started singing ‘Payphone’ by Maroon 5, not knowing how loud I actually was. After about 5 minutes I got out and walked back into my room. I opened the door and Piper lay in the middle of the bed, smiling at me.

‘What?’ I asked.

‘Your voice is incredible.’ She breathed. I smiled at her. I walked over to her and shook my hair. Water exploded from it getting Piper wet. ‘HARRY!?’ She squealed and giggled. I stop shaking my hair and stuck my tongue out at her.

I went to retrieve some boxers. I slipped off my towel and put on my boxer. I turned round to see Piper staring at me, biting her pink lips.

‘Stop perving on me.’ I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

‘Stop being so hot naked then.’ She replied, sticking her tiny tongue out. I rolled my eyes, smiling. I turned back to get a t-shirt and jeans. I quickly slipped them on and turned back to Piper. She had her head in the pillows again.

‘Are you asleep?’ I asked.

‘Yes.’ She replied.

‘Nice try.’ I jumped onto the bed and straddled her. She hid herself under the pure white covers, the tips of her hair just about sticking up at the top. ‘Piper, come out, come out.’ She giggled loudly.

‘No.’ She replied.

‘Please, let me see your beautiful face.’ I said.


‘I want a kiss though!’ I tried to sound hurt. She peeped from under the covers. I pouted out my lips. She came up and placed her sweet lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync, slowly and passionately. Her kisses made me feel like I was falling in love with her all over again. I felt her smile though the kiss, causing me to slime to. Her hands made their way into my curls; she sat up without breaking the kiss. I wrapped my hands round her lower waist and bum. I started to remove my shirt that she wore, off her, leaving her in her bra and pants. I moved my hand towards her bra and…

‘OKAY, THAT’S ENOUGH BOYS!’ I heard a voice shout. We sprung apart and Piper screamed and hid under the covers. My eyes shot to the open door, where Louis, Liam, Niall and Gemma stood.

‘WHAT THE FUCK?’ I shouted, anger rose in me like a cannon ball.

‘Well, firstly little brother, don’t make loud noises at 9 o’clock in the morning. Secondly, don’t leave the door open, and thirdly, use protection.’ Gemma smirked.

‘I’m going kill you guys.’ I pounced towards the door.

‘Not so fast. You don’t want mum and Robin to hear about this?’ My face dropped.

‘You wouldn’t.’ I squinted.

‘MUM?’ Gemma shouted.

‘Okay, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I love you Gemma!’ I panicked. By this time the three boys were in hysterics on the floor. Niall was crying with laughter and Louis was mocking me. Liam could barely stand up either.

Living with the Styles.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon