I-Regular Day

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A sharp kick to my ribs is what awoke me from a pleasant dream. In the dream, I was in a field of lush greenry. Was that how the world was before the outbreak? I wouldn't know. I was born twenty years before the outbreak happened. I was told I was one of the lucky ones. To be born in a 'civilized' part of the new world.

If 'civilized' meant being born to be a blood bag for some Vampire to use when it was hungry, then yes. It was a civilized world to be in.

"Get up! Time for breakfast." my owner said. 

Opening my eyes, I saw the face of my owner. The Crown Prince Luca. He wasn't even the King's son. He was someone that the King show remorse for and turned him. The Crown Prince had long shoulder length black hair and tradtional yellow eyes and pale white skin, traditional of a Vampire. As for breakfast time, it was probably an hour after sunset. It was common knowledge that sunlight killed Vampires, but other than that I didn't know any other ways.

I looked up at the Prince with tired eyes and said nothing.

"Give me your arm, Alexis, or I'll take it." he said, kneeling down.

Without a word, I extended my right arm. The one with the cresent shaped scar on my wrist from where he bit me to feed. He took it in his cold white hands and nuzzled the scar with his nose. He let out a groan and his fangs extended. A snarl filled the room and he bit down on my wrist. A hurt whimper escaped from my lips as he took mouthfull after mouthfull of my blood into his mouth.

The bite wouldn't turn my like him. In order to become a Vampire they had to drink your blood and you have to drink thier blood. When sealed with a kiss, does the final change actually happen. The kiss kills the human being turned and after a great amount of time, does the newly turned Vampire rise as a lord of the dead. The kiss itself is called the Kiss of Death. Many humans wanted this for theirselves, but each time the answer was the same: No.

The King decreed that no humans would be turned due to the increasingly low ammount of humans that remained. All humans were made to do two purposes. One was feeding their owners. Vampires needed blood. No food would taste good or make them full. All human food turns to ash in their mouths. The second thing humans were good for was making more humans. There were three types of humans. Workers, Feeders, and Breeders. I was a Feeder or blood bag as I was commonly called. They kept the Vampires fed with a steady supply of blood.

Workers were the ones that farmed human food. Vampires didn't need it, but they still needed live humans to feed from. The Workers made this possible and they were the reason I wasn't hungry everyday.

The Breeder had the worst fate of any human. They were responsible for producing babies and securing the future for the Vampires food supply. I didn't know much about them, but I knew that I was born from them. Every human was born from a Breeder. I knew my mother was a Breeder and I knew that I had many brothers and sister born from her. I never knew her. I was snatched from her the moment I was born and given to a farm that raised new human blood bags. At the farm, we were taught how to read, write and speak properly to the Vampires. I didn't know how many of us were there, but our fates were the same.

At the age of ten, we were all rounded up and brought to the auction house. Each of us was sold to a Vampire and given new fates. I'll never forget that day. Before the auction, we were made to look presentable for any Vampire looking for a new Human to fit their needs. I don't remember much, but I do remember the red dress that the house mistress forced me to wear, how they straightened my hair, ad how they applied make up to my face, trying to make me more alluring to potential buyers. I would have needed a mirror to see the look on my face when I heard that I was sold for two hundred blood rubies to the Crown Prince. Rubies were the Vampires currency, precious gems that shined blood red.

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