Chap, 5 Mysterious

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~Back with the rest of the Team~
They didn't notice the Absent of their fellow Blue paladin. The Day gose on and they were all on a Tour of the Castle.

"Wow this place is Big" Said Hunk in awe while looking around the Giant grand room.

"Yah it's Huge" Said pidge but she was more Focused on their Technology They had.

"Oh I remember this place, Yep Princess Allura's Father Came her on a peace Meeting Once I got to go along" Said Coran Rubbing his fabulous Mustache.

"Oh really, Father never told me about this place " Allura said walking closely next to coran.

"He came here many years befor you were even Born princess must have forgotten since it's been so long" Said coran shrugging.

"Ugh, where is Lance" Said Shiro in an annoyed Tone Visible in his voice

"I dont know Probably screwing around or flirting with every girl" Said and also annoyed pidge.

"Well he needs to get back over here dosnt he take anything seriously these days" Said shiro

"Pfft, Probably Not" Keith said rolling his eyes

Just then the doors open reveling lance running towards them.

"Hey sorry Guys I got held Up with somthing" he said clearly out of Breathe

Shiro Scoffed "Stop messing around lance and stop with the excuses"

"S-sorry but i-" He was cut off by a half yelling Princes

"Enough lance Just get to you Lions and let's had back to the Castle" Allura said slightly stricked

"Okay" was all he said and After everyone walked out giving him Hares or disappointed Glances he turns his head over to See Iran with a Sad Look on his face but waved at lance and said "see you soon Lance" and with that a small smile plasters on Lance's face and he ran out to his lion.

OKAY I'm Back people sorry it was a short Chapter I just had to Get one Down and Sorry I haven't Updated I'm having Service troubles and I just Got my phone repayed so Here it is I should have another Chapter By Saturday or Sunday night But thank you all For Reading

Lee Out😎

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