Chap, 6 The usual

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Lance's  POV~

The Next Day I Was laying Awake on my bed Trying to Think straight. I just Couldn't Believe what had just Happened Yesterday. I'm not sure if I should Be exited or Should I be afraid because I'm alittle concerned with the fact on how voltron will react to have a child running around  it would be a big responsibility To raise a kid and I would also have to be A paladin of Voltron Fighting galra. And especially sense Allura says we can't have any distractions.
I'm scared they'll take Her away from me. So....I'm deciding to raise her secretly. And if they try to take her away Huh well they wount win without a fight i dont care if they are My team paladins of Voltron they will have to deal with it.

Just then Allura comes in on the comes

"Paladins Please report to the castle lounge we are having another training sessions" she says in her British accent (I think, Look I'm not around to know what accent is what)

I slowly Got out of Bed and Went to the bathroom that's connected to my room and looked at myself in the mirror 'ugh why do I have to be so useless'I think to myself'.

I lazily got changed into my regular clothes and walked dot to the lounge to see everyone in there Paladin armor 'Shit'.

"Lance! Why aren't you in your armor didn't i make it clear were having a 'training day'" An angry Allura yells as I Walk into the lounge.

"Uh sorry princess, I wasn't focusing straight" I says Trying to have a straight face on and show no signs of Hurt emotions.

"Well Pull yourself together Lance, You are a paladin of Voltron now Start acting like one"

All I do was nod and try to listen to what we're doing today.

After training I walk back to my room just as I sat down I felt a slight buzz In my pocked where my hands were cooped up in. I pull out a small object that looked like watch and I saw a bright red light Flashing from it and next to it was a small Button.

"Huh, how'd this get here?" I say to myself. I press the button and a Small hologram comes on to the face of King Mui's face.

"Hello Lance" he says

"H-hello" I reply back

"Sorry If I am Inturupting anything but I'm giving you news that you must Be over here for trainging"

"Trainging, What kind of trainging ?"I say

"Yes,  training , you'll be Taught how to care for the child and Well be train you to fight and protect your child"

"Oh okay But I'd get in trouble I'd I leave"

"Don't worry I've sent some people to retrieve you secretly"

"Oh well I'll gather my things then"

"Alright then see you soon"

"Bye" i say and the hologram disappeares i stuff Watch like Thing in my pocket and grabbed my Armor and When I went out and looked through the window i say a mini Sliver ship Appeare on the side signalling for me to come out. I put the Armor on and Opened an Hatch that led to space and i Jumped put And Stearns myself to the Ship and Entered ot and we disappeared In the distance.

(Okay that wasn't as good as I planned it to be But I kinda was in a rush at the end But here is chapter 6 Sorry it took so long but at least Ya'll know I'm alive and still not done with the Book so cater 7 shall Be done by the end of this month and i hope it's a longer one I'm still Working on my writing skills I'm mother the Best writer but I'm Still trying But thank you all For Reading my story here and that the best part has only begun.
                                                  Lee out😎

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