Stay Away From Him Part 1

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This chapter is just a filler chapter because next chapter I'm skipping months

P.S. this chapter is just a filler chapter full of drama so it might be short but I really hope everyone is enjoying the book so far

That's all


Monday afternoon during school
March 2nd

Aleisha was wondering the halls looking for Kenny so she could ease his mind and talk some sense into him but overall she was rocking a long red fitted dress in the fabric of a t shirt along with her brown strap sandles

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Aleisha was wondering the halls looking for Kenny so she could ease his mind and talk some sense into him but overall she was rocking a long red fitted dress in the fabric of a t shirt along with her brown strap sandles

Aleisha topped off her outfit with a statement necklace, a brown Micheal Kors purse and her brown Michael Kors watch

Finally Aleisha found Kenny but he was surrounded by a group of girls, Aleisha rolled her eyes and walked up to them anyway

They all looked at her at the same time


" What you want " Kenny said.

Aleisha rolled her eyes again excusing his attitude

" To talk " Aleisha said.

" Naw, I'm busy right now " Kenny said.

" Doing what, being a community dick nigga' ok " Aleisha said turning around to walk away regretting even wanting to talk to Kenny because she knew one thing, she was not about to beg him for a conversation.

" Wait hold up " Kenny said pushing himself off the girls grabbing her arm from the back and Aleisha looked back at him slanting her body.

" Naw' cater to them, I'm good " Aleisha said and one of the girls got affended and glared at Aleisha.

" Bitch fuck you, he told us everything, you're the one cheating on him " She said and the rest of the girls laughed.

People in the hall began to look their way

" Loose p*ssy ass hoe' " Another one of them said and Aleisha just gave her a straight face but on the inside she does feel some type of way.

" Y'all shut the fuck up and scram, quit speaking on shit y'all don't know nothing about " Kenny said defending Aleisha which surprised Aleisha but all the girls left.

Aleisha was gonna' go off on them but she remembered what her mom always told her, never let a bitch see you sweat especially multiple bitches so again Aleisha let them say whatever they wanted but as long as she didn't respond and show no emotion she had the upper hand

" Not here, in private " Aleisha said.

" Aight' cool " Kenny said letting go of her arm and he walked off leading the way.

Aleisha catched the hint to follow him and they ended up in a corner where barely anyone would notice them

" What you want " Kenny asked again?

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