The Hicks Family

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The Hicks Family and their mini mansion is at the top

I know most of you'll don't give a fuck about this chapter and to be honest you'll shouldn't because Mr. Hicks is the bad guy but if you'll want to understand him and try to understand why he is the way he is, continue to read

This chapter will be short but far from boring

This chapter will be short but far from boring

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Mr. Andre Hicks - 39 years old

Mrs. Nancy Hicks - 39 years old

Nina Hicks - 18 years old

Nicole Hicks - 7 years old

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Nicole Hicks - 7 years old

Nicole Hicks - 7 years old

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Andre Hicks Jr. - 15 years old

 - 15 years old

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That's all


Later on that day with The Hicks Family

Two months ago Nancy bailed her husband out if jail and he never told her what all he did in detail, she's just aware of the charges so Nancy decided if she doesn't get the whole truth soon she will be kicking her husband out their house and then ...

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Two months ago Nancy bailed her husband out if jail and he never told her what all he did in detail, she's just aware of the charges so Nancy decided if she doesn't get the whole truth soon she will be kicking her husband out their house and then filing for divorce

Other than that their oldest daughter Nina is a soon to be college student, she'll be going to Harvard University

Their only son Andre Hicks Jr. Is done with his freshman year of high school and he currently just put himself in a relationship with his dream girl, he's a A B honor roll student and he loves playing in the band

Nicole Hicks is about to be a second grader the next school year but she's everyone's bundle of joy, when she's happy everybody else' is happy and she has a heart of gold and loves to sing


" Why can't you just tell me what you did, I promised I wouldn't judge you " Nancy asked sitting California king sized bed while her husband did his hygiene ready to go to bed?

Their kids were in their rooms hopefully sleepy, well Nicole is, as for Nina and AJ, that's not guaranteed because they tend to stay up or sneak out but they're always back by cerfew

" Because if I tell you everything you wouldn't see me as your husband anymore, you would see me as a monster " Andre said.

Nancy licked her lips and got off the bed walking towards her husband grabbing his hands looking up at him, he looked down at her

" Whatever it is, whatever you did, no matter what happened it wasn't your fault, you haven't been on your pills for two years now and you need to get back on them before your bipolar disorder makes you act all crazy and things could get worse next time " Nancy said.

" I can't tell you " Andre said.

" Yes you can, tell me, I'm right here with you, I'm listening " Nancy said and Andre sighed.

" Remember when we agreed to have an open marriage just as long as we don't know who each other sleeps with and it can't happen more than once " Andre said.

" Yes I remember " Nancy said.

" You need to sit down, come on " Andre said and they walked over to the foot of their bed and sat down.

They stared at each other in the eyes

" Tell me everything " Nancy said.

" Do you remember Nina's old tutor, Tiana, she was pregnant " Andre said.

" Yeah she tutored our daughter for three years and you suddenly fired her, why " Nancy asked?

" One day I tried to have sex with her while you and the kids were here but she wasn't going for it so she punched me in the mouth and left, I fired her the next day but weeks later her and her husband came back and that dude nearly beat my ass and I went fucking crazy, I wanted revenge so I did my illegal research and found out she had a friend who didn't live too far from us, I visited her trying to get answers on Tiana and Terrance where abouts but her smart ass saw right through me and didn't say shit, instead she punched me in my nose and I got mad and kicked her door open and then pulled out my gun ready to kill her ass but she ran so I chased her, I don't know what came over me but I was trying to calm her down, I fell on her and I guess she took it as rape cause' me falling on her made her go crazier, her husband came and saved the day throwing me over their upstairs railing nearly killing me, I got up and ran out and I saw his car, I wanted to steal it so the police wouldn't recognize my car but he came out there, pulled me away from it and knocked my ass the fuck out, I guess he thought I was tryna' kidnap their two daughters, I just wanted the fucking car, it's not my fault they just so happen to be up in there too, the cops came and arrested me, I sat in jail for two days and then you came and bailed me out, they called me a rapist but I wasn't tryna' rape her, I was trying to calm her down, yeah I was trying to rip her clothes off while I was on top of her but I was doing that hoping to scare her and calm her down, I swear I wasn't going to rape her, I wouldn't want someone to do that to our daughters so why would I do it to someone else's baby, it doesn't make any sense, I wanted to have sex with her though but not forcefully " Andre said.

Nancy sat there shocked

" So now what " Nancy said.

" I really want to kill them all but maybe I should just back off for good, I'mma' get back on my pills " Andre said.

" Yeah yah' think and just so you know, if you're involved in any more illegal activity then we're getting a divorce and you're moving out, you're not finna' have our kids around that " Nancy said.

" Ok calm down, let's go to bed " Andre said and Nancy nodded her head in agreement.

Can Andre be trusted to leave Tina, Terrance, Aleisha, and James alone?

Find out and continue reading

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