2 Months Later

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2 Months Later

It's been two months and three weeks which means Aleisha is two months and three months pregnant and still not showing yet' but as far as her and James know, they're having one baby

Tiana on the other hand can push TJ out any day now, she's eight months and three weeks pregnant so two more weeks to go and everyone will finally meet Terrance Hughes Jr.

Mr. Hicks got released from jail on a two million dollar bail by his wife and no one has heard or seen him since all that cayose happened last time

Kenny and Marisol are still married, in marriage counseling and working through their problems but the only problem is that Marisol hasn't been by to see Janet or call and check up on her, it's like she disappeared out of thin air

James and Aleisha been by to Kenny and Marisol house to see what the deal was but every time they came by no one was home so James and Aleisha just decided to stop coming by leaving Janet and worried where has her first mother gone and wonder why she doesn't want to see her?

Janet thinks her mother's disappearance is her fault but Aleisha and James promised her that it has nothing to do with her and just a couple weeks ago Janet finally got back to her old happy self, the lil' Janet everyone loves so much but that doesn't mean she doesn't miss het biological mom every day that goes by

Other than that James and Aleisha finally set a date for their wedding and chose the day James proposed two years ago, May 31st


Two years ago - May 31st

It's only been a year since James and Aleisha graduated from high school and so far they're raising Janet in their three bedroom apartment, they once had a two bedroom but they had to upgrade to a three bedroom ever since Aleisha told James that she was pregnant

James was scared at first but he grew happy because he knows he and Aleisha are gonna' be able to raise more than one kid at once, all it takes is patience and persistence


Aleisha just put Janet to bed in her crib and then she walked out her nursery closing the door behind her

Aleisha was about to walk to the living room and relax but her cellphone went off in the bedroom she shares with James

Aleisha turned around and jogged that way until she was picking her cellphone off the night stand and answering it pressing it against her ear

Aleisha: " James, where are you, you promised me we would Netflix and chill tonight "

James: " I know baby but something came up "

Aleisha: " What? "

James: " I can't tell you "

Aleisha: " And why not? "

James: " Cause' it's a surprise now go put on something sexy and classy and come outside, I'll be waiting "

Aleisha: " James what you got up your sleeve? "

James: " Just do it, I love you "

Aleisha: " Ugggh' I love you too "

They hung up at the same time and Aleisha went off to do what he said hoping they don't stay outside long because Janet is sleeping in her crib and she can't be left alone in their apartment for too long without Aleisha getting paranoid

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