3 Years Later: The Buchanan Family

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The Buchanan Family, their home and wedding bands are at the top

The Buchanan Family, their home and wedding bands are at the top

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Mrs. Aleisha Buchanan - 21 years old

Mr. James Buchanan - 21 years old

Janet Buchanan - 3 years old

Jamiya Buchanan - 2 years old


3 Years Later

March 1st

Over the past three years James and Aleisha Buchanan have been very happy; they're married but they still haven't had their dream wedding so that's what they been planning over the past four months and they're so close to picking a offical date

For starters Marisol had James first daughter Janet Buchanan and James got full custody of her once he found out that her and Kenny we're getting married and to make things worse once Janet was able the talk a little after she turned ten months, the first thing she said was a question while her dad was cooking breakfast and her mommy was still sleeping, this happened two years ago


Two years ago

James hovered over the stove stirring the cheese grits while Janet colored sitting at the table on top of phone books, her first birthday was only a couple days away

Aleisha was sleeping upstairs

" Dada what is the white stuff uncle Kenny be sniffing " Janet asked?

James froze hoping he heard wrong but his daughter did just speak for the first time

James turned around

" What did you just say baby girl " James asked and Janet smiled softly not having a clue in the world that she's snitching' right now?

Janet giggled, " Daddy I said what is the white stuff uncle Kenny be sniffing, is it sugar " Janet asked?

" No baby girl, ummm' don't worry about that anymore, mommy and daddy will handle it " James said turning back around going back to stirring the grits.

" My first mommy or second
mommy " Janet said coloring some more in her princess book.

" You're second mommy " James said.

" Yaaaaayyy' " Janet cheered in her seat clapping and James giggled.

Janet was also so happy and cheerful no matter what was going on around her but Janet knows who her birth mother is, Marisol, so she calls her first mommy and Aleisha second mommy since she's the one that's around her most of the time

James Pov

" I'm getting full custody of my daughter the first chance I get and when I see that nigga' I'm whooping his ass for having my daughter around that shit "

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