Chapter 1

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In the middle of the afternoon, Grace was standing at the doorway, looking at the girls playing with their toys and she sighs

"GRACE" Miss Fickle shouted making Grace jumped

"Aren't you done yet?" Miss Fickle said "The dining room windows hasn't been cleaned yet and the dirty dishes hasn't been washed yet"

Then she slapped at Grace, making her fall

"Can I please play with the girls" Grace begged "please Miss Fickle"

"Absolutely not and besides you don't have any toys to share with" Miss Fickle said "now continuing your chores and you can forget about playing" as she left, Grace tried herself not to cry

Lilly saw that, she felt so bad for her so she said "I'm so sorry Grace, but maybe one day you'll get a toy and we'll play together"

Grace sniffed and said "that would be amazing"

"GRACE!" Miss Fickle called

Then Grace runs off and Lilly went back to the others

A while later, Grace was in her room, sitting on her bed, crying and then she said to herself "I wish I can have toys like the other girls have"

Then the wind came, the light appeared, Grace smiled and said "yeah, more adventures for me"

Then she went in the light and her and the light disappeared

Grace's Adventure In Toy Story Where stories live. Discover now