Chapter 4

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When Andy left his room, he asked his mom if he can bring his toys

"You can bring, one toy" Andy's mom said

"Just one?" Andy said

"One toy?" Woody said and he picked up a magic 8 ball "will Andy pick me?"

He shook and the ball and it showed the answer

"Don't count on it, oh" Woody said when he got frustrated and he threw it away and it rolled out of behind the desk

He saw it on the ground, he saw Buzz, getting tools while Grace was lying on the window, he saw RC the remote control car and so he had an idea

"BUZZ!" Woody called while running to Buzz, then Buzz turned and so did Grace "Buzz, Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness, we've got trouble"

"Trouble where?" Buzz asked

"Down there" Woody said "down there, a helpless toy, is trapped Buzz"

"Then we have no time to lose" Buzz said when he went to the back of the desk while Grace saw Woody was about to get controller

"I don't see it" Buzz said

"He's there" Woody said when he pushed the button "just keep looking"

Then RC was about to run to Buzz

"BUZZ LOOK OUT" Grace screamed which it made Buzz turned and got out of the way and then a attacks fell

Then the globe was rolling towards Buzz but then he got slipped by the pencils but he made it by roll to the window and Grace was helping him get up, then the globe hit the lamp and then, they screamed as the the lamp pushed Buzz and Grace out of the window

"BUZZ, GRACE" Hamm and Potato Head yelled and they immediately went to the window

"BUZZ, GRACE" Woody yelled and he saw Buzz and Grace falling to the bushes

"I don't see them in the driveway" Slinky said "they must of bounce off to Sid's yard"

"Oh Buzz, Grace" Rex said

Meanwhile at the bushes, Buzz was trying to get out of the bushes and he saw Grace got stuck in the bushes

He gasped and said "Grace" and then he got her unstuck and he held her and said "are you alright?"

"Yeah I think so" Grace said "what about you?"

"I'm alright" Buzz said and then he saw Andy taking Woody to the car "hop on my back, we are catching up that car"

Then she went on his back, wrapped around Buzz's neck and they went off to the car and it drove off

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