Chapter 9

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Then the mutant toys came to Buzz and Grace and it made Woody worried that they'll eat them

"BUZZ, GRACE!" Woody called when he came down and then the baby doll with claws grabbed Buzz's arm and went to the other toys and then Woody was trying to get the toys to stay away from them and then they walked back and then Buzz's arm was back into him

"hey, hey they fixed you" Woody surprised and confused "but they're cannibals we saw them eat those other toys" and then they saw Pterodactyl and Janie Doll from earlier on are shown to be alright, back on their correct bodies

Woody looked at the mutant toys and said "uh, sorry. We thought you're gonna... you know... eat my friends"

Then Mutant Toys get scared away

"No, no, no, no, wait. What's wrong?" Woody asked

"Sid?" Sid's mom called

"Not right now, Mom. I'm busy!" Sid said

"Sid! Buzz, get up! Use our legs! Fine, let Sid trash but don't blame me!" Woody said when he tried to get Buzz move but he gave up and hide in the milk crate and Grace was trying to find a place to hide and then Woody grabbed her hand and yanked her to the crate

Sid came in with the package and said "it came, it finally came"

He opened it and it was a rocket and he said "the big one" and then he read the label "extremely dangerous, keep out of reach of children"

"Cool, what am I gonna blow?" Sid thought "hey where's the little girl doll?" which it made Grace terrified and Woody held her pretty tight and whispered "I am not letting him get you"

Then Sid saw the milk crate, when he picked it up, nothing was there, that's because Woody was holding the bottom and Grace was holding Woody pretty tight so she doesn't fall and then he saw Buzz on the ground, he picked him up and said "yes, I've always wanted to put a spaceman into orbit"

He put Buzz and the crate on his desk, he grabbed duck tape and he wrapped it around Buzz to the rocket and then thunder came and Sid was really disappointed but Woody and Grace was relieved, then he said when he said "Sid Philips reporting, launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather condition at the launch site, tomorrow's forecast, sunny, sweet dreams"

Woody whispered "Psst! Hey Buzz!"

But no response, Woody throws a washer against Buzz's helmet and Buzz slowly looks over

"Hey! Get over here and see if you can get this toolbox off me!" Woody said but Buzz looks away "oh, come on Buzz, I can't do this without you, I need your help"

"I can't help, I can't help anyone" Buzz replied

Woody said "Why sure you can Buzz, you can get me and Grace out of here and then and we'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for Andy's House"

"Andy's house, Sid's house" Buzz said very depressed "what's the difference?"

Grace said "Buzz, you probably had a big fall than mine, you must not be thinking clearly!"

"No, Grace, for the first time, I am thinking clearly, Woody was right all along" Buzz said "I'm not a Space Ranger, I'm just a toy, a stupid, little, insignificant toy"

"Wait a minute, being a toy is a lot better than being a Space Ranger" Woody said

"Yeah, right" Buzz replied

"No, it is!" Woody said and he points through the window to Andy's room "look, over there in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest, and it's not because you're a Space Ranger, pal, it's because you're a toy. You are his toy"

"Why would Andy want me?" Buzz asked

"Why would Andy want you? look at you! You're a Buzz Lightyear!" Woody said "any other toy would give up his moving parts just to be you. you've got wings, you glow in the dark, you talk, your helmet does that... that whoosh thing. you're a cool toy"

"As a matter of fact, you're too cool, I mean, what chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure, all I can do is this" Woody said and he pulls his pull string

Woody's voice box said "There's a Snake in my Boot"

Woody said pretty depressed "why would Andy ever wanna play with me, when he's got you? I'm the one that should be strapped to that rocket" and he turned around

Woody said "Listen Buzz, forget about me, you should get Grace and you two get outta here while you can.

"Woody no, I'm not leaving you behind" Grace said

"Oh Grace that's sweet, but it's all my fault" Woody said looking down

Grace said when she hugged him "I wish I had a toy..... like you"

Woody smiled and he hugged her back

Woody and Grace looks over to see that Buzz has disappeared. Suddenly the milk-crate begins to shake. They notices Buzz trying to push the toolbox off 

Woody said "Buzz!, what are you doing?"

Buzz said to Woody "come on, Sheriff, there's a kid in that house who needs us, now let's get you two out of this thing"

Both Woody, Grace and Buzz push against the milk-crate, which budges very slowly. As the sun rises, Woody, Grace and Buzz notice the moving van pull into Andy's Driveway 

Buzz said "guys, It's the moving van!

"We've gotta get out of here, now!" Woody said

Buzz manages to push the milk-crate for enough to the edge of the desk for Woody to hop out of, and onto the floor, he catches Grace but Buzz didn't  notice 

Woody said "Buzz! Hey, Grace and I are out!

Buzz said continuing to push the crate "almost there!

Then the toolbox and the milk-crate fall off the desk, and land right ontop of Woody and Grace

Buzz runs to the edge of the desk and said "Woody, Grace, are you two alright?

Woody lifted up the toolbox and said "we're fine... we're ok"

Then Sid's alarm clock rings, as Woody and Grace hides back under the milk-crate

Sid wakes up and said "Oh yeah! Time for lift off" and he took Buzz outside

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