Chapter 6

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"Now you're sure this space freighter will return to its port of origin once a jettison its possible?" Buzz asked when they were about to go the Pizza Planet truck

"Uh huh, and when we get there, we'll be able to find a way to transport you home" Woody said

"Well then let's climb aboard" Buzz said and he ran to the truck

"No, no, wait, Buzz, Buzz" Woody said while he and Grace ran after him "let's get in the back, no one will see us there"

"Negative" Buzz said "there are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area, we'll be much safer in the cockpit" and he put Grace on his back as he climb to the truck

"Buzz, Grace!" Woody said

They went to the backseat as the truck started and Woody climbed up the back got in the truck

Grace went on Buzz's lap as he buckled them and then the truck drove off pretty fast

Then they made it to Pizza Planet, He unbuckled him and Grace and stood up and went to the back, he open the door and said "sheriff, sheriff?"

Then the tool box fell down there was Woody moving pretty silly

"There you are" Buzz said when Grace giggled when Woody fell down "now the entrance is heavily guarded, any way to get inside"

Woody came up with a cup on his head and it gave Buzz an idea

"Great idea Woody" Buzz said "I like your thinking"

Woody was in a cup while Grace was on his back and Buzz was in the hamburger box

"Now" Buzz said then they ran to the door "quickly guys, deer lock is closing" and they made to the door

Then they dropped cause kids were coming, then Buzz accidentally bumped to Woody and Grace

"Watch where your going" Woody said

"Sorry" Buzz apologized and they ran to the between the arcade machines and they took off the cup and the box, when Woody helped Grace down, they saw everything

"What a space portal" Buzz said "good work Woody"

Then Woody heard Andy's voice and he saw him

"Andy!" Woody said

"Now we need to find a ship that's headed to sector 12" Buzz said, while looking around

"No, wait Buzz, this way" Woody said when he grabbed Buzz and they went to the other way "there's a special ship, I just saw it"

"You mean it has hyper drive?" Buzz asked

"Hyper active, hyper drive" Woody replied "an astro, uh turf"

"Where is it, I don't see it" Buzz said and he saw a machine that is a shape of a spaceship "Spaceship"

"Alright guys get ready" Woody said, but then Buzz grabbed Grace's hand and they ran off to the machine

They climb on it and landed that a full of little green aliens with 3 eyes

"Strangers" one alien said

"From the outside" the other alien said

They all said 'OOOOHHHH"

"Greetings, I am Buzz Lightyear, I come in peace" he said and the aliens went up to them which it made Grace a bit scared

"This is an intergalactic emergency" Buzz said "I need to commandeer your vessel to sector 12, who's in charge here?"

The alien looked up and said "The Claw!"

"Claw is our master" one alien said

"Claw chooses who will go or who will stay" the other alien said

"This is Ludacris" Woody said to himself and then he saw Sid coming, "oh no, Sid, get down you two" and he put Buzz and Grace down to the aliens

"What's got into you?" Buzz asked

"You are the one to decided to climb into this and take Grace with you" Woody said

"the claw" one alien said "it moves"

Then the claw came down and grabbed the alien and it said "I've been chosen, farewell my friends, I'm going to a better place"

"Gotcha" Sid said and then he saw "a Buzz Lightyear, no way"

Woody was looking around to get out of there and he saw the door, so he went there and got the door to open, but then the claw caught Buzz

Woody saw it, he gasped said "Buzz!" and he grabbed his feet and Grace grabbed Woody's neck and they tried to get him down

"He was been chosen" the alien said the other aliens was trying to get Woody to let go of Buzz, but it was too late, the claw lifted Buzz, Woody and Grace

"Alright, triple prizes" Sid said and then the claw let them go, Sid grabbed them and said "let's go home and play"

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