Chapter 6 [EDITED]

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~A Week and a Half (cos I can!) Later~

Early that morning, I got a text from Mitch:


Aubree🎶: Okayy...?

Mitch🎩: With Team Crafted...? And Kylie, Miami, and Lauryn...?

Mitch🎩: AND YOU!

Aubree🎶: LOLZ Okay, what time?

Mitch🎩: Soon. Text ya later.

After I do all my girlie stuff, and call Mitch.

A: Hay Mitch!

M: HAY! What's going on?

A: Not much. So, you have a time for the Hunger Games?

M: Eh. 1-ish?

A: Yah, sounds good. Talk to ya later.

I end the call and grab my keys. I gotta go get some stuff. May as well get a better headset also. I grab some candy and other crap, then head over to the electronics.

When I head to the headset aisle, I see Lauryn there crying. "Hey Lauryn!" She looks up, smiling. "AUBREE!! Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!!!" I laugh. "What is it?" She gets excited. "IAN ASKED ME TO TFIOS!!!!" I start to freak out.

"Really?! AWESOMENESS!" I get the Logitech headset I want, pay for it, and walk out with Lauryn. I feel my phone vibrate multiple times, so I pull it out, knowing it's Mitch. "GAWD MITCH WHATTDYA WANT NOW?!" He's spammed me again, asking me on a double date.

Aubree🎶: Where? With who?

Mitch🎩: With Ian and Lauryn. We're gonna see TFIOS.

Aubree🎶: Okay. :)

Mitch🎩: Okay?


Mitch🎩: I'm guessing you like TFIOS?


Mitch🎩: Haha, okay.

Aubree🎶: Okay!

"LAURYN! GUESS WHAT!" I yell, locking my phone. "What?"



That night, I dress in a TFIOS shirt that has the signature "Okay? Okay." clouds faintly in the background, then it reads my favorite quote in bold: "I believe we have a choice in this world about how to tell sad stories. On the one hand, you could sugarcoat it. While nothing is too messed up that can't be fixed with a Peter Gabriel song. I like that version as much as the next girl does. It's just not the truth."

I cried a little as I put it on. That book is just too sad. I put on some skinny jeans and my Converses. I put my hair in a messy bun. I'm beginning to get unhappy with the color. I've been contemplating dying it back to dark brown.

'Whatever' I think. I grab my trusty iPhone 4 (yes, I'm that retro) and my keys. Lauryn, Ian, Mitch and I are going to meet at the movie theatre.

When I get to the theatre, I make sure I have my money and ticket, and go in. There's no one there except Ian, so I go up behind him and poke him.

"Hey! How's life?" He asks. "Pretty good." I nod and sit down. He laughs when he sees my shirt.

"I see you're dressed for the occasion." I pull down my shirt so he could read it clearly. "Yup. I LOVE this quote." I see Lauryn come in the door and sit next to Ian. She's wearing a shirt with the faint "Okay? Okay." in the back of the quote: "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend."

I smile at her shirt. "Like da shirt, Lauryn." She smiles at me. "Tanx!" She yells. I feel someone sit by me, and without even looking I say, "Haaiiiii Mitch."

"Dang it!" He yells. "Thought I'd sneak up on ya." I laugh. "Nopee." He smiles. "Well, movie's starting. Lezzgo." Lauryn says.

It was hard to find four seats. TFIOS is a pretty popular movie. Mitch sits on the right of me, Lauryn to my left, and Ian to Lauryn's left. Halfway through the movie, I lean my head on Mitch's shoulder. It's starting to get depressing. Soon, I have my face in Mitch's shirt, crying my eyes out.

I can tell he's trying to 'stay strong', but he sounds pretty heart-broken. I can't blame him, it's a pretty heart-breaking movie. When the movie ends, Lauryn and I are crying together still, but not as bad as we were. We can tell the boys are depressed, but you couldn't tell that easily.

After that, we go out to eat together. That was fun. We almost got kicked out for flinging food at each other. Note I said almost. Mitch insists he drives me home, so we leave my car behind. When we get to my house, we stand outside the door.

"I had fun. Thanks for taking me." I say. "Yah, I had fun too." He replies. "Are you still depressed?" He asks, smirking. "YES. Don't bring that up." I say, and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug.

I pull back. My arms are still draped around his neck when he kisses me. I felt sparks fly. I pull back, and blush a little. I fold my arms behind my back, and say, "Well, thanks again."

He looks down at me. "Anytime." I step up to my door and open it. I look behind me to see him still there. "Bye." I say. He says it in return and goes back to his car. I close the door and run up to my room, feeling like I'm floating on air.

You and Me (A BajanCanadian Fanfic) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now