Chapter 7:cant get enough

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Narrators prospective:

It was a long weekend for Toni .she started doing at least two jobs a day with more drugs. And started being her care free,living every day like it was her last self.Sweet pea noticed the difference first then soon after so did the rest of the serpents Toni was always fun but now she was the life of the party.

School was easy for the most part Toni soon became cool with the Northside kids which was a shock to everyone,she practically knew everybody. one day coming down the hall making her way to her locker Toni got a surprising visit from Cheryl and she looked pissed.
"Are you fucking with me",she said upset but low enough for only Toni to hear."Cheryl what in the hell are you talking about?",Toni said back pretending to walk away . Cheryl grabbed Toni's harm and they walked to the girls locker room. Toni shrugged out of Toni's grasp " what is it?".Cheryl then handed Toni a not that read

Cheryl blossom I hear you involved with a certain someone. Please let you're snake of a lover know that if she doesn't have the money in 5 days time . There will be consequences that you or her will have to face . And if you guys even think about telling any of your "friends " there dead to.

Toni read the note and then that  care free look she glowed faded away . "Why would I write something like this ",Toni said pissed off at the situation. "I don't know ,that's why I asked you"." Cheryl listen me this isn't a joke , they guy I owe money to is getting inpatient and this is way of making sure I have his money"."okay but why is he threatening me?".Toni took a second collecting her thoughts "he must've been watching me and when I was with you-"."Cheryl what did you do?". "What-what are you talking about?"." Cheryl when I left pops Friday we're did you go?!".

Cheryl's pov :
I was caught ,after Toni had left pops that night I went to the Southside to try and find sweet pea and figure out who Toni owed money to . It was a bad idea but I just couldn't let it go I met sweet pea at his place, scared for my life . It was clear he cared for her almost as much as I did , but I told him what she told me,and he said he'd look into it . I told Toni what happened and I waited for response bracing myself for another fight.

Narrators prospective:
"You told sweet pea",Toni said with a look as she saw Cheryl as a enemy like she had moved on and was never looking back."only because I was trying to look out for you",Cheryl said terrified at Toni's expression."I'm not some toy that you have to look after ,I can take care of myself "."you're right and I'm sorry ",which Cheryl rarely said .

Toni's pov:

You know what just forget it I said heading towards the door."where are you going?". I told her  I had to do something about this and the fact that someone could be walking around the school and we probably wouldn't know it really meant I had to get out of there." So you're just going to leave?"."yup, and your coming with me ,so grab your bags".okay I know taking Cheryl is a mistake but she's better off with me than by herself and it's not like shes got anybody to be with,she'd have to be somewhat nice for that. "I'm not coming with you"."Oh I think your confused I'm not asking I'm telling you're a pawn in a game that only stops on way,so get your things and let's go now!'',I said so confidently and sure she'd do what I want I particularly made her choke.
She'd did as she was told I wanted to apologize for yelling but with Cheryl dominance was key . I was honestly impressed with myself it was like super hot.

Narrators prospective:
They walked out the back door and got into Cheryl's car don't know why really I guess if someone wanted to kill them they'll have more protection in the car . Cheryl was driving occasionally looking over to see Toni was texting on her phone "do you know where we're going "."yea,just keep straight here and make a left and there's a house there that we'll be staying in "."o well what are you going to do ",Cheryl said kinda of liking the idea of dancing with danger.  "I'm going to find a way to pay what I owe by the end of the week ,but I can't do anything about it tonight,so we'll stay here until it's safe." "We'll " ." Yes,but by all means you can back if you-",Cheryl cut Toni off "it's fine" she stated ."were fine",she said glancing at Toni .Toni looked at her and took a deep breath saying it as well "we're fine ". After a silent pause Toni told Cheryl to pull in here it was a nice house it wasn't to big or to small and it was on a open street with lots of people which made them both feel a little more secure.

Choni:Maybe we're not so great.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora