Am I dreaming?!

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I turned around and saw Mael, the cutest boy I ever saw in my life. I started to blush uncontrolably, he was looking at me in a moment of weakness, and I didn't like it. 

- Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine.... I said, attempting to get up.

- You should probably go to the nurse's office, it looks like it's hurting pretty badly..... he said.

- She's not here today, I think..... Don't worry about me....

I got up but I had to put one hand on my locker so I wouldn't fall.

- Ok, then....... 

Mael turned around to go, but stoped after his first step. 

- Wait, I just have to clear two things out with you first. 

My eyes widened in suprise, but I didn't let him notice.

- Ok, what is it?

- First of all, is it ok if you read both of the facts for our group project in health class?

- No problem...

- Thanks. And second of all..... I heard a lot of rumors about your..... "Condition", if I may say so... Are they true?

- What are they about? I asked very suprised. I never heard of any rumors in the past.

- Well... They say that you always talk to ghosts, that you're a witch or something...

And at that precise moment, my heart broke into millions of pieces. My eyes teared up as I tried to back away (Stupid lockers, always ruining everything).

- Th-they..... They-ey're called..... Souless......

I cupped my face in my hands and I started crying.

- They're right! I'm a monster! W-what.... What's happening to me?!?! W-Who did you hear that from...? 

- Josiah... he said in an awkward voice. 

My sadness then suddently changed to anger. How could he?! That douchepant!

- But I came and asked you to prove him wrong, because we all know he's the biggest jock ever... he said in a comforting tone.

- I b-bet everybody in our grade now thinks I'm a demon spond or something... B-But thanks for telling me the truth, Mael... 

- I can tell the principal about this, if you want... 

- T-That would be the nicest thing you could do... I said, fainting a smile.

- No problem! he said with his (absolutaly totally adorable) smile. So... what ARE those... Souless?

- They're... People, in my head... they talk to me, and I talk to them... I can see them, but their faces are alway a little blurry... I said, wiping my face away from tears.

His facial expression revealed his thoughts. He thought I was completely demented. 

- Erh... Are they... A threat to you... And your mental health? He asked, this moment becoming kinda awkward. 

- Not really... Well, there's only one that CAN hurt... That's why I was agonising on the floor... Oh, but what am I saying, you probably don't even care about my dumb life... 

- Well...... Mine isn't any better, to be honest... It's so boring! All I do is study, practice and go to taekwando lessons, he said, hands in his pockets. You're lucky to have such a powerful imagination.

A powerful imagination... I like it better when he says it then when the doctors do. I couln't help but to blush to his comment. He obviously noticed and said:

- You don't have much of a high self estime, do you... Do you talk to people about your...... Uh.... Thing?.....

I giggled and said:

- Yeah, therapist on saturdays and doctors on sundays every two weeks.. Awesome weekends! I said in a sarcastic tone.

He chuckled and said: 

- Well, it's good to actually let someone know. 

I smiled and he also did. This moment was unbelievable to my eyes. I just wanted to hug him so badly, but that would just ruin the whole moment. So I simply said:

- Thanks for everything.... You have no idea how much it helped.

- Heheh, no problem!...

I turned around to get to the cafeteria, and he said something else while walking away himself. 

- By the way, I know who gave me the flower... 

I then froze. Back at valentine's day, I sent him a pink flower (Which means crush). How did he know that it was from me!? Embarassed and shy at my maximum, I ran away.

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