Back to hell

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We drove back to Marysville, our home town, which took about 5 hours. My parents we're happy to see me, but I can t say it was exactly the same for me. You see, if I had to choose being with the 1D boys all day long and stay at my boring house with my parents, I would PROBABLY pick the more exciting option.

Anyway, I felt like I needed a break from social activities. I put on my boots and my thin jean jacket and headed towards the good old forest. Once I stepped foot in the dead end, I could already feel the welcoming vibes of the wind between the leaves and the twigs under my shoes.

"Finally, you have come back..." Someone said behind me.

I turned around to face the incomer and saw Elkin's beautiful smile. I smiled ever so brightly and hugged him. "I missed you so much!" I said, my face in the crook of his neck. "I as well....." He replied.

"I hope you didn't drool TOO much over those handsome men." He teased with a playful smile. "W-well..... Uh.... Not really..... I guess.... Uh...." I stuttered clumsily. He laughed an irresistible laugh. It was.... Soft, like honey, and deep like a lion's purr. I subcontiously cuddled in his arms to the sound of his laughter as he smirked. He gently lifted my chin and layed a kiss on my lips. Man, I wish I could of felt his smooth lips against mine.....

We stayed like that for a couple seconds until I got scared someone would see me kissing the air. We walked hand in hand further in the forest as I started to let my imagination run free, seeing all the souless everywhere. It felt good to be back.

"Hey Taby!" Someone shouted behind me. I recognised Fimy's voice and I turned around. "Yeah-" "you promised a fanfic!" She pouted. "I know, I know. Saphy and I are working on it." I smirked. Fimy screeched in excitement and scurried away.

"Taby?..." A shy voice asked behind me. I turn around and see Rania. She was much older then, she must of been in her early adulthood. "Rania! What's the problem, honey?...." "I-I know I have Maris, my adoptive sister, b-but.... Erhm.... I feel kind of lonely...." I laughed. "I understand, sometimes you need a knight in shining armor to make you happy. I'll take care of it." She smiled brightly. "Yes, really." I said before she could reply anything. She hugged me ever so tightly and skipped away.

"Tabithia, look....." Elkin said, pointing at Laïra. She looked sad, which wasn't normal. She was always in a heart mood. Something must of been wrong. "Laïra...." I said softly, approaching her. She looked up and fainted a smile. "Hey... I'm glad you're back..." She said. "Laïra, tell me what's wrong...." She sighed. "It's........ Its Cronus.... My husband...... W-we haven't seen each other in ages..... In fact we never had a chance to be a real family, us and the children..." I felt guilty. After all, I'm the one who wrote her story. "I'm so so sorry..... I... I can make you apear as a ghost..... Or do a flashback... But that's all I can do...." I said, feeling so so guilty. "that would be lovely, honey..." she said, trying to cheer me up even if she was the one who was in pain.

Elkin squeezed my hand. "it's alright..." he said. "we are strong... We can live as long as you're here. " He said with a smile. "that's why I feel so much weight on my shoulders, Elkin... I have to take care of you all and there are so many that get forgotten... And they vanish, just like that...."

"Maybe because they we'rent ment to be part of us. Perhaps they we're just a mistake in your imagination. Everything happens for a reason, so perhaps their dissapearence will grannt you something someday." he said of his wise words. I snikered. "you always know how to get the last word with me, don't you, clever one." I said with a half smile. He laughed. "oh, I know."

We spent time all together, all the souless and I. I took care of their problems, most ofthem involving their love life. At a point, I started to wonder: Why me? Why are they coming to me for advice when I am dating.... A ghost?!

Elkin read me like an open book. "You may not have the greatest luck in love in your world... But you make the greatest love stories of all... "

Sally, my "guardien angel" like I like to call her by, jumped out and shouted cutely: "You're a love expert!" I laughed. "Did you just quote frozen?" "you're the one who watched it!" she laughed like a young child. I messed up her long dark brown hair and hugged her tightly. "Sally?" I asked. "yeah?" "don't ever change." I smiled. "pinky promess!!!" She squeeled. I laughed and pulled away.

I walked back home about 25 minutes later. Once I steped foot in the house, I hear my mother shout: "TABITHIA TRAVERS!"

I sighed. "I don't have time for this bull..." I mumbled, taking off my boots. She then came in and started yelling at me. "You've been gone for half an hour! Your plate is on the table, it's cold like ice by now!!! I was about to call the police!!!" "Don't you have better things to worry about then you're mentaly retarted daughter?!" I shouted back. "You didn't have to wait for me!" "I made diner for the three of us! As a FA-MI-LY! " "Yeah, well sometimes I don't wanna be in a FA-MI-LY! I wanna be alone!" "No, you want to leave us alone! You'll only be happ@y when I'm dead, that's for sure!" "Yeah?! What if I die first, huh?!" I shouted, running to my room. "DON'T SAY THAT!" she yelled behind me. "F*CK OFF!!!" I yelled, slaming the door behind me.

I sheltered myself on my bed, turning on my laptop. From time to time, my mom would walk past my room and whisper insults for me to hear. I couldn't take it anymore. I looked in my bag for my earbuds, but once I pull them out, I saw the tip had snapped off. "Argh!" I shouted, throwing it across the room.

I heard my parents leaving the house and the car driving away. "groceries..." I deducted. I opened google plus- oh, sorry, facebook. Ha! No one goes on google plus. Anywho, I checked my profile. 0 news feeds. Twitter. I got followed by a total stranger. Wait... No, nevermind, porn account. "Block.." I mumbled, discusted. I went back to facebook.

I freezed in front of my screen. In front of me was a picture of Mael, smiling with all his teeth, posted on my timeline by Josiah. My eyes swelled up with tears. I had been blackmailed. I slamed my laptop and yelled in rage, pulling on my hair. I felt Zizania trying to take control of my body and do horrible things, and I struggled, I struggled as hard as I could. "n-no! NO!" I shouted, my teeth gritted together. "E-Elkiiiiin!" I cried as a last hope. He apeared next to me and took my hand. "Tab, Taby, I'm here! Resist, don't let her get to your head!" He pleaded, scared for my life. "Bad ideas go away...." I thought, like some sort of spell. "bad ideas go away.... Bad ideas go away..."

Slowly, Zizania made her way out. of the roller coaster of emotion I was in. Tears we're streaming down my face as Elkin was rubbing my back. "It's over... It's over, Taby...." I looked up, shaking. I hugged him tightly as he sat down next to me on my bed. "you are safe...... I'm here.... You don't need to fear..." He reasured me. I kept on wiping away the flow of tears streaming down my cheeks. He pulled my chin up so I had to look into his eyes. "I will always be there for you...." He whispered. I smiled a little and sighed a shaky sigh, meaning the end of my tourment. He smiled back and brought me in for a kiss.

Poof! All of my worries gone in a split second. I brushed my hand through where his hair would of been. Our kiss became more passionate as we fell on our sides on the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him as I held on to his shirt, afraid to let go, afraid to lose him forever. He slightly backed away and pressed his forehead against mine, catching his breath. I layed my head on his chest and cuddled up close, feeling more and more tired my the second. "Sleep..... You need it...." He whispered. I backed away a bit and took off my shirt. Before I could do anything, he was rocking me to sleep for me to have the best dreams a girl can imagine.

My strange lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن