Ch.9 demon in disguise

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holy shit, oh my god i thought as i whipped my head around and looked at the passing students, none of them was a demon in disguise. I looked back at Grayson,

"hey you ok?"

"no, i have to go" i said quickly and ran off. I didn't look back.

Later that day as i was walking down the hall to get to my locker, I noticed Brittney all on Grayson, feeling his abs, and taking his arms and putting them on her waist, i turned around disgusted. I quickly got my books and slammed my locker close and walked to my next class silently. When math came, all too quickly i sat on the opposite side of where i usually sit, next to Grayson. i looked at Graysn occasionally, and his eyes were always on me. I could tell i hurt him by ignoring him today, but its not like i had a choice.

When the bell rung i shot out of my seat and and quickly walked out. I was about halfway to freedom when a strong grip was on my left arm.

"Ow!" i i half yelled as i ripped my arm away, to reveal the one and only, Grayson,yippee .

He had a look of confusion, as he hadn't gripped my arm tightly, usually i try really hard not to say anything when someone held my left arm, but he caught me by surprise.

"sorry...I" he began

"no its ok" i said cutting him off

"is your arm oK? " he asked

"yeah its great." i rushed out

from what it looked like he didn't believe me, but didn't press me on the topic, which i was grateful for

" I gotta go" i said, i really didn't want that threat to become  a reality.

My moms baby shower was going on this afternoon, so my dad picked me up. When we got home, my mom popped a giant balloon, and  a whole bunch of blue confetti exploded from it. Everyone was screaming, and there were smiles every direction. I smiled and went upstairs to my now decorated room. I tossed my backpack in the corner and hopped on my bed. I texted my best friend from Aspen, Avery.

Hey ave

Hey bitch

I miss you

I miss you too, make any new friends?

Yeah, Savannah, willow, Tayler, Evelyn

And Grayson...

Friend? Or boyfriend?! She said with a winky face. I rolled my eyes


Lol that's what they all say

I'm not all bitch it's what I say!


Ttyl ily

Ily2 bye

I tossed my phone to the side hopped off my bed to make myself dinner, since my mom and dad were going out tonight. I microwaved some lasagna, and sat down to eat it. It burned my tongue. While I ate I texted Grayson asking him to come over, and use the front door, i wanted to apologize to him. When i finished my food, i went over to the couch to watch some cheesy musical while i waited for him to arrive. 

When the door bell was rung, i went to answer it, Grayson was standing there with a little stuffed frog and a stupid grin. I laughed and invited him in. 

 "So your parents aren't home?" He asked handing me the frog, i took it and gave it a squeeze

"No they went out with some friends after her baby shower" i replied, walking toward the couch

"wait..." he said, grabbing my left arm, i was careful not to say anything, even though it stung. 

I looked at him, with innocent eyes, hoping he would drop it, i guess i'm not a very good actor because he lifted up my sleeve, revealing the long x's i had drawn with the safety pin. I bit my tongue, scared for his reaction. 



Cliffhanger? Lol, anyways thank you to everyone who is reading my book, i appreciate all of you. If you ever need anything, or have a suggestion, my private messages are open, or my conversations. 


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