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How do you want me,

How do you want me? [...]

I am gonna kill you

I am gonna lay you in the ground

(Desire, Meg Meyers)

Sybil Vain got out of the car, took a deep breath and looked up. The sky was extraordinarily blue and crystal clear. Stretched in its vivid reflection on the building's glass, it was as bright, empty and limitless as his heart.

His eyes trailed back down to the narrow alley. Several steps ahead, plunged into unwelcoming darkness, the man of his dreams rested on the sidewalk—a ragged, frail creature fit to the filthiness around it. Sybil stilled and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. His chin tilted to the side as he beheld the prize of his treasure hunt.

From his point of view, the key to good living was to be aware of one and only one distinction: that between the Truth and the Illusion. The latter was the so-called reality in which the movie of his life took place; there he was the viewer, the lead actor, the director, and even the camera.

That's why everything that happened to him was something he asked for—and he always received as he'd asked. There was no margin for error. In the cosmic dance, everything was in perfect synchrony, harmony, and synergy.

As he noticed that the young man was vulnerably asleep a smile bent his lips, and he remained in contemplation for a while longer. He held no judgment toward the evident misery displayed in front of him.

Sybil Vain loved the world and being aware of the Illusion, he was able to accept it in all its facets. The planet earth and all its inhabitants were part of a show that he could afford to watch with ecstatic detachment. The people he met were just projections who had the sole function of reminding him of the Truth. They were nothing more than mirrors existing to reflect his image, at times so accurately they could show details that he himself was not yet conscious about.

Most of those projections would manifest through sleeping minds, unaware of being caught in the dream—Maya*, the Illusion—struggling in their attempt to fight a petty war against the personal history they had chosen for themselves and which Sybil Vain had the privilege to foresee. It appeared they sought his help to change their future but he knew that, in fact, they were seeking the Truth. For Sybil Vain was aware of the no-separation and being an awakened manifestation of Ain Soph Aur*—the Endless Light, the Absolute—had the natural tendency to awaken all its parts. As such, his life was about selling tricks to the dreamers while making them aware that they were dreaming. He also entertained himself by playing the role of The Oracle in the most delightful way.

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