Chapter 1

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*beep beep beep* an rectangular black alarm was going off at five AM.

A fist came raining down on it SMASH!

It was the hand of an boy just starting High school.

He has pink spiky hair,green eyes and held a happy face most of the time.

This males name is Natsu Dragneel, a fourteen year old freshman on his first day of high school.

As usual he got up with a positive attitude.

Natsu put on his usual clothes an T-shirt with an dragon on it and jeans. Lastly he put on his scarf.

His scarf was a present from his father. His dad Igneel wasn't home at the moment

On the other hand, an blue haired male was also waking up.

Unlike Natsu, he was waking due to the angry screams of his mother Ur.

This boys name is Gray Fullbuster.

He has an older brother, Lyon.

Lyon also has an girlfriend her name is Juvia.

On Grays thoughts Juvia is weird

(No offence to Juvia i think she's an great person)

He has three reasons why...

She is always talking in third person pov

Her eyes look lifeless

She is an little too clingy to Lyon

On grays way to school he sees an boy with the same uniform.

"Hey!" Gay waved at him.

When he got closer he noticed that the boys hair was PINK!

Gray's felt blood rush up to his face for an unexplained reason.

Gray shrugged it off and walked up to him.

"So, is your hair really pink?"

  Natsu  grabbed out an notebook and wrote 'yeah, why'.

"I know you don't know me well but can i touch it, it look so fluffy."

 gray was surprised he said this and quickly put his hands over his mouth. 

Natsu let out a small laugh, with that they walked to school together. Natsu noded. Gray reached up and touched it. Natsu blushed.

Gray started to rub his hair. Soft Gray thought as he kept messing up his hair. 'now stop' wrote down Natsu.

They decided they would walk to school together

When the two boys finally made it to school they only had five minutes till they had to go to class.

They got their schedules and looked at each others.

Somehow they got all the same classes!

(Don't ask this happened to two of my friends)

On their way to class they ran into Lyon and Juvia.

"Baby Gray how you doing!" Lyon shouted

Lyon walked up to them

"Sh-shut up!" Gray stuttered in embarrassment.

"Oh, who's this? Finally got yourself a boyfriend?" Lyon teased.

Natsu blushed and quickly jotted down 'It's not like that'.

Natsu shook his head, left and right quickly sync signaling NO and sweat dropped.

If natsu could talk he would be an stuttering mess.

When they got to class most of the class was already there.

They sat down in the back, lucky for them the teacher was sleeping.

So far he seemed pretty laid back.

On the board it said "Do whatever you want".

When the bell rang to show that class started,some troublemakers got up and started to draw yaoi on the teachers head.

Erza cleared her voice and yelled, "NO DRAWING ON THE TEACHERS HEAD I WILL REPORT THIS!".

Just then Natsu got the greatest idea, he got out his pencil and started to draw Erza as an giant monster attacking a city.

He showed this to gray, Gray chuckled at the thought.

(Time skip to lunch)

Gray and Natsu sat together during lunch.

Lyon walked up to them "Gray I know you and you're boyfriend want to sit together but you said you would sit with me and Juvia at lunch."complained Lyon.

Juvia came out of nowhere "Juvia ships it." She pumped her fist into the air. This time both Gray and Natsu looked at her weird, like she just turned into a psycho.

'Gray you can go sit with your brother.'  Natsu wrote down on a peice of paper.

To Natsu it didn't matter if Gray sat with someone else but deep down inside him he knew he wanted him to stay.

Natsu lied to himself in his mind 'it's ok it doesn't matter i'll just go sit with Lucy Levy Elfman and Mira.

"You can come with Gray." Lyon stated.

With that they got up and went to their table.

628 words 2/27/18 

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