Chapter 7

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Natsu took a shower and put on the clothes Gray picked out for him at the mall.

He looked in the mirror, 'i look good' Natsu thought, admiring himself on the mirror.

The doorbell rang about 10am. It was Wendy, sting,rogue, and Gajeel. They hugged and went up to his room. It's been a year since they last saw each other.

They all played Mine craft until they heard the doorbell ring

(no this isn't gonna be what happened before)

Natsu signaled that he was gonna go.

He opened the door to see Gray, Lyon, and Ur.

Natsu hugged Gray tightly and kissed him on the cheek. Gray blushed crazy.


The sound of a picture being taken went off and with a flash showing off.

"Oh my Kami! I can't wait to post this online and all over my social media!"

Wendy fan-girl squealed so loud that you could probly hear it from Africa.

Sting and Rogue came downstairs.

"What's with all the commotion?" Rogue asked Wendy. Wendy got out her phone and showed him and sting the picture.

Natsu made an attempt to grab at it.

She passed it to Sting 'cause he was the tallest.

Ur and Lyon laughed, Gray started to try to get the phone too. Gray was tall as Sting but Sting kept pushing him away

"Put it down!" he ordered.

"You better delete that!" threatened Gray.

Sting gave the phone back to his little sister.

"Too late" Rogue stated. Crossing him arms. Wendy showed that they posted it everywhere. Ur and Lyon started to laugh even more, if that is even possible.

Because Natsu's PlayStation doesn't have enough controllers they all played danganronpa.

Igneel and Ur were talking downstairs while Gajeel was talking with Lyon about hot girls at school. Honestly, no one gets them plus Lyon already has Juvia!

331 words 3/7/18

thank you all for reading this i'm not very well right now so please be with me

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