Meeting my new beginning

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( Character for chapter 1

( Character for chapter 1

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( toothless)

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( toothless)

" Here in Berk I don't really fit in . I'm like that person that's.... well not noticed ever. Even though I'm the son of Stoick the fast . The chief of this place." Hiccup ( houses are on fire while while Hiccup is running all though the blasts of dragons) Hiccup sees something a dragon. This is how he can fit in by killing a dragon . He runs towards a shooter that can shoot the dragon, gets it ready . And misses . " Well nothing new." Hiccup

" Hiccup where are you?" Shouted Stoick " I'm here Dad!" Said Hiccup . Stoick walked to Hiccup with an angry face " Hiccup! You need to kill a dragon. All of your friends have killed dragons, why even Fishlegs has to. " said Stoick with a stern face. "Okay dad I'll try " said Hiccup " You wouldn't try you'll do" said Stoick as he walked away. So Hiccup went into the woods looking for a dragon. Three hours had passed by when Hiccup found what he was looking for a dragon. The dragon saw him, and started to run toward him. Hiccup was so scared he couldn't move. The dragon was a Night fury! One of the strongest dragons in the world! The dragon knocked him down. ( dragon blast) " A different dragon?" Hiccup. The Night Fury stood there protecting Hiccup . The two dragons fought. Not to a surprise the Night Fury won. After the fight the dragon looked at Hiccup and started walking up to him slowly while Hiccup went backwards slowly. Hiccup bumped into a tree. The dragon was looking if Hiccup was hurt. Hiccup started to stand and then said " Are you protecting me?" The dragon nodded its head. Then grabbed Hiccup ( even though hiccup hadn't noticed that his foot was missing the dragon had) the dragon put Hiccup on his back then started to fly. Hiccup had so much fun. Then the dragon landed " I need to name you , mmmm, sometimes you don't show your teeth so how about Toothless. Like it?" Said hiccup . The dragon smiled " Toothless it is." Hiccup looked down to see if could find a stick, but instead he found his leg missing. Instead of screaming he said " I'll just have to make a leg. You know what Toothless. Let's run away from this place, what do you think." Toothless nodded happily.
All night long Hiccup worked on a new leg. It was 4:30 when Hiccup was done and was going to leave, but before he could leave he had to write a letter to his dad.
Hiccup left with Toothless before everybody woke up . As Stoick woke up he started to call for Hiccup. Stoick looked at a table down stairs were Hiccup is usually at, and saw a note . On the note it said :
Dear dad ,
Dad by the time you get this I'll be gone in the woods . Don't expect me to get home on time , because I'll be looking for dragons to kill. Dad I just want you to know that I love you.

" That's weird . Hiccup doesn't usually go out to go to kill dragons. My son is. Becoming a Viking." Stoick

To be continued ....

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