Looking in the woods

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----------------------------------------------" Stoick it's been a day since we seen Hiccup we need to look for him

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" Stoick it's been a day since we seen Hiccup we need to look for him." Said Gobber " Yes I know. I just hope he's not hurt, Gobber go look for one of the newer kids to help in the search for Hiccup " said Stoick with a worried face. Gobber went looking for one of the most strongest teens that were just recruited to kill dragons.

Back with Hiccup and Toothless
Hiccup and Toothless were resting on an island 3 hours away ( on a dragon) from Berk. Toothless started to stare at Hiccup. Hiccup looked at Toothless, this lasted at lest 5 minutes until Hiccup said. " Yes I know. I shouldn't have lied in that note. But what was I going to do. My dad kills your kind. I still want him to look at me as a son!Sorry Toothless I just had to get that out . Your my family now." Toothless looked at him. Then sat by him. Them smiled, Toothless smiled them laid down.

^^^( island were Hiccup and Toothless are resting at)

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( island were Hiccup and Toothless are resting at)

Back at Berk
" Stoick, Stoick I found a teen to do it her name is Astrid." Said Gobber as he ran toward Stoick with Astrid following behind him. " Great. Astrid are you willing to do this." Said Stoick " Yes chief I am." Said Astrid " Let's do this I will not loss another family member." Said Stoick in a sad and ready voice to do anything to get Hiccup back.
The three went into the forest looking for Hiccup. Then they found the drinking hole were Hiccup found Toothless. " Let's take a break , go drink some water." Said Stoick stearnlee. When Gobber got to the water he thought he was seeing things he saw a dragon it was dead ! No he wasn't because he could touch it. As he got even closer to it he saw something, a leg. No it couldn't be! Gobber call Stoick over to the dead dragon. " What is it Gobber?" Said Stoick. Stoick looked down " No, no. It can't be . Hiccups leg." Said Stoick. Astrid came running to where both the Chief and Gobber was , and saw Hiccups leg. " No he can't be . He can't be dead." Said Astrid. Astrid secretly liked Hiccup . She liked him not because he was the chiefs son it was because he still lived on even though he didn't kill a dragon. " No not my son. " said Stoick. " Stoick come here." Said Gobber. Stoick ran to where Gobber was. " Stoick it wasn't this dragon. It was a dragon none who we could survive. It was a Night Fury. See these scales there as back as night. Only the Night Fury has these scales." Said Gobber. " Yes your right . We must find this dragon and kill it. It will come here again I just know it." Said Stoick in a sad voice
" What should we do chief ?" Said Astrid sadly " We will do a ceremony for Hiccups death. Then we will kill all the dragons we see." Said Stoick with a sad voice as he looked to the letter Hiccup left. " Yes we will kill all of them I am with you chief all the way." Said Astrid with a vengeance to kill all dragons.

That Night ( at Berk )
"Tonight we will say are last goodbyes to Hiccup." Said Stoick " One thing I ask of you is to kill all dragons do not let any go . For dragons have killed to much, they killed my wife and now my son. What do they want . Well we want them instinct." Said Stoick in a sad and determined voice. All of Berk started to shout " We will kill all!" Over and over again. Astrid came up to Stoick and asked " May I help you? I wish to kill the dragon that killed Hiccup." Then she hesitated and said " I... I loved your son." . Stoick looked at her with a serious face, then said. " Yes you may . If Hiccup was here he would be proud. May I call you my future daughter-in-law . Even tough he is gone you will love him , and you will be right beside be just like a daughter." . " Yes I would love to be your daughter, and helper." Said Astrid.

Then of Berk put the boat on fire which had Hiccup foot in it, and Stoick said " Forgive me my son I can not imagine the pain you went through. "

         To be continued

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To be continued...

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