New What (part 1)

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This is going to be a little bit of a big time skip.

6 months later
Brooke's pov

Once me and Hiccup woke up we remembered everything, and also remembered that we would have to wait for Luna our friend.

We've been able to talk to dragons every since we got out of the other world. And there hasn't been news of Berk or Luna.

Me and Hiccup have been dating for 1 almost 2 years now. Right now I'm walking in the woods alone. Blue had to go to her place again. Even though we can talk to each other Blue still doesn't tell me where she goes.

Hiccup is working on this sword that can light up with fire. And he's making me an two sided axe, he doesn't know I know about that.

Oh I forgot to tell you that we also age differently now. Both me and Hiccup are still the same age as we were when we met each other. We just didn't know we wouldn't age the same as humans till we were able to talk to dragons.

I miss Luna , and Blue.

"Oww." Said this voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

The voice was close , almost to close

"Are you okay." Said another voice but more manly

"Yeah, I just fell. Hey do you think anyone lives here?" Asked the other voice. Now that I hear it better it sounds like a girl

"No I don't think so Heather." Said the man

I'm now looking at the two people (yes I was getting closer to them, and yes I know that's very dumb to do that without backup )

"So on of them is named Heather " I said out loud (opps)

"Hey who's there ?" Said the man

"I'll go look and see Luke." Said Heather in a whisper, but thanks to the training I can hear that

"Who are you ?" Said Heather with her axe pointing at me
Great I got lost in thought again

I nodded my head no saying I was not going to tell. So she grabbed me and took me to Luke. Your probably wondering why I'm not using my dragons powers. Well some dragon and I'm not going to point figures said if the people were right there don't transform. Wait till they leave. But I have a feeling that there not going to leave for a while so I'm going to do a ' I'm in danger roar' and hope Hiccup hears it.

ROAR............... ( by the way not like a lion roar , but like how the dragons do it)

Hiccups pov

I was working on my sword until I heard Brooke's distressed roar. This must not be good. She doesn't do that just for fun, she must be in trouble I have to save Brooke.

I dropped everything and called Toothless

"Lets go bud and save Brooke."

Toothless just nodded ,and then we hit the sky to look for Brooke

Brooke's pov

"What did you just do?" Asked Luke

I'm in so much trouble .

I backed away knowing they were probably going to kill me.

Until Heather said

"You must be the princess of dragons. We are here to sever you and protect you."

Then both Heather and Luke bowed.

"Here princess this is a token on our loyalty to you." Said Luke as he gave me a box
How did people know about this. I mean if a dragon walked up to me and said that that would be different, but people.

"Ho-how do I-i know it's not something that will kill me." I said stuttering.

They both laughed

"Do not worry , we would be the last to kill you princess." Said Heather


"What?" They both said

"Call me Brooke."

"As you wish pr- I mean Brooke " said Luke

"Now please open our gift of loyalty so that we may be in your village." Said Heather
"And soldiers " Luke added on

I slowly opened the box still not quite sure if I should do this, but once I opened the box there was no going back.

In the box was

This song Rainbow told me about it. It's a sign of true loyalty. Only ones who have true loyalty can find this song.

I think to myself as I took to them.

Just as I was about to say something,

Hiccup landed with Toothless.

Toothless growling at Heather and Luke
And Hiccup then asked

"What are you two doing on my island. And you better let go of Brooke."

After he said that they just started to stare at Hiccup so I took my chance and ran to him.

Hiccup hugged me like he hadn't seen me in ages, Toothless did join in.

Hiccup push me back to protect me even though he doesn't know what's going on, so Hiccup said something again

"What are you doing here?"

........To be continued

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