I swear I Lived and allways will (part one)

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Don't listen to the songs till I say😏

Brooke's POV

As me and my love flew in the sky, we got caught up in doing tricks in the sky and not the time. Also we didn't realize where we where.

"Hey Hiccup do you think we should get back it's starting to get dark." I said

"Yeah" he replied

"Hey do you see that island below us." I Said

"Yeah why?" Said Hiccup but that was before he really looked down "oh no." Said Hiccup

"What is" I was cut of with someone yelling

"Dragons shoot them down"

We weren't able to Dodge all the stuff coming towards us. So both of us fell.

"Get them!" Yelled a girl

"Hiccup where are we?"I whispered

"Berk." He replied

Oh no.

They put our dragons in cells , while we had to see the chief ( my husbands dad)

Luckily both of us have aged and we look different.

"Who are you?!" Asked Stoick even though it was more of an command

All we did we uff .

"Tell me now!" He Yelled

"Tell me why you had dragons, such as the night fury and why you two where riding it!!!" Yelled stoick stomping his foot.

"No." Said Hiccup

Everyone stared at him

" put them with their dragons." Said Stoick

So we where

Hiccup's pov

Oh this is all my fault. My wife and I wouldn't be stuck like this if I were paying attention.

"It's not your fault." Said Brooke


"It's Not Your Fault. I wasn't paying attention either."

"Thank you Brooke. Night" I said

"I just hope they find us." Said Brooke

"Me too."

Morning  almost afternoon

I told Brooke who's who, since everybody hasn't changed that much.

"The chief wants to see you both." Said Snoutlot

"Okay" Said us both

We walked to the great all with Gobber behind us the hole time eyeing us like we were ghost.

"As you know you and your dragons will be killed today, but if you tell us your name and a little bit about you two we will consider sparring you and............. your dragons."

Brooke nodded we were going to tell them about us . But not the way they think.😎

"My name is Shadow and this is my husband Rider. We grew up not fitting in, but with dragons we were different." Said Brooke

Stoick looked at me to confirm this. I nodded , how dumb they can be some times.

"And why do you ride dragons Rider?" Asked Stoick

"Because we have a bond. Loyalty, trust, and friendship is what we have with are dragons." I Said and Brooke nodded

"What did you do?" Asked Gobber this time

"You'll have to see." Said Brooke
"If you let our dragons out." She finished

Everyone nodded their heads no but Stoick Said "Yes but we will have are weapons if you try anything."

We nodded and got our dragons.

"Toothless/Blue" both me and Brooke said at the same time

"Well What are we going to see?" Asked Astrid

We got on our dragons and went straight up, started doing tricks. And did some awesome moves. We went around all of Berk. While everybody looked at us in awe. We did a heart. And did some moves that we used to defeat the Red death without  blasting stuff.

Me and Brooke shared memories new and old.
Listen to the songs now
(Memories *)

* a week after our wedding we got a new enemy. Ricker( Yeah not Ryker he'll come in later, but it is pronounced the same way). He tried to defeat us many times but we had great friends to help us. We meek Mala of a tribe that not many know of. And they were friends to dragons. My mom came over more. We started raising the baby night fury.

/Old memories/

When we first met. Heather and her friend meet us. Luna , are training. The defeat of Red Death, leaving Berk, leaving the hunters. Me and my wife meeting for the first time.  The beginning of our village. Me and Brooke's first date."*

When me and Brooke got back on the ground everybody was looking at us in amazement.

Suddenly Gobber snapped out of it and asked something snapping everybody else out of amazement

"So?" He asked

Both me and Brooke looked at each-other and said.
"I swear I lived, and always will."

To be continued....

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