How to Train your Rider part 2

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( Gobbers pov)

" Time you go kiddos ." I said
" Yes let's go, you heard Gobbs." Said Snotlout
As soon as he said Gobbs I gave him the death stare.

" Okay lades where did you see Hiccup and the girly?"

As soon as I said that we started of to the forest.


( Brooke's pov)
How? What ? Who?

" Okay your gonna learn how to understand all dragons." Said Blue staring at me an Hiccup

" Wait, wait , wait. Can't we already understand you. I mean we're talking to you?" Said Hiccup. And I nodded.

" Yes you can understand us, but only because you are here. If you want to protect dragons and accomplish your destiny you must learn." Said Rainbow as she walked up to us

Hiccup and I nodded knowing if we want to protect dragons we must learn. But what is this destiny stuff?

( Hiccups Pov)

Me and Brooke started to learn how to understand dragons by the heart. I know it doesn't make much sense, why heat why not hearing?

" Hey um Rainbow why not learn the language instead of the heart." I said

" Good question my young one. ( young one I don't look that young do I ?) what you are learned if different. Because you both have a great destiny. If you learned dragonese, you would only be able to understand few. The heart is the  wear you bonded with your dragons, it is were you are going to learn also." Said Rainbow

I looked over to Brooke she seemed like she understood what she was saying. Both me and Brooke were more ready now.
" Follow us ." Said Toothless

Wow " Where are we Blue?" Asked Brooke " The please where you will learn

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" Where are we Blue?" Asked Brooke
" The please where you will learn." Said Toothless

" Come sit down." Said Rainbow

Both me and Brooke sat side by side

" Goodbye " both me and Brooke heard.. it was Toothless and Blue

" TOOTHLESS! BLUE!" Both me and Brooke were shouting when we saw they both were gone

" Calm down." Said Rainbow
" Calm down, calm down both me and Hiccups dragons disappeared to who knows where. And we don't know we're we all. How am I supposed to calm down." Said Brooke

I came up to Brooke and put my hand on her shoulder, and she calmed down. Her hair was already turning light blue again .

" I'm sorry Rainbow." Said Brooke

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