The Teen Titans

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Raven had left over night. Then the next day in the morning Cyborg and Star-fire were wondering why she wasn't there yet, but they shrugged it off that she had already gotten tea, was reading, or was meditating. Then it was 2:30 P.M and Raven hadn't left her room so they checked by calling her had no responses. Then Cyborg put in the security code. They entered only to find somethings weren't there. Then they saw five envelopes and a little box. They read the envelopes. The first one was directed to all four of the Teen Titans, the second was for Star-fire, the third was for Robin, the fourth for Cyborg, and the last one was taped to the little box for Beastboy. Cyborg and Star-fire decided to open the one meant for all five first then read their own letters.


Star's letter

Dear Star-fire,

If your reading this then you entered my room because I wasn't at the T-Tower. Hopefully you and Cyborg have read the letter addressed to all four of you. Okay, so you know why I left. Star-fire you were always a sister to me that I never really got. I did enjoy some of our girl talks and that girls night out with Jinx( mostly because of the building surfing we did). I'm probably gonna miss your Tamaranian food, your bubbly self, your hyper-activeness,and Silkie.I'm gonna miss you the most. Leaving is not easy. I'm gonna come back in probably a couple of years when I'm ready, controlled powers and when I will be ready to tell you guys why I left. I'm really sorry, I will miss you a lot because your my BFF and my sister.




Dear Cyborg,

If your reading this then you entered my room because I didn't show up to anything. Hopefully you and Star have read the letter addressed to all four of you. So at least you now one of the main reasons I left. Where do I begin with you. All the pranks you an Beast-Boy pulled were not the most elaborate, but could have been worse. All those waffles you made. Since we're at the topic of food, that meatball you made me eat that cracked my tooth. Your like that brother that makes one of his younger sisters do something. You were really fun to hang out with. I'll miss you a lot.

From your little sis,



When Cyborg looked over at Star-fire it made his heart break even more. Star was literally about to break down. His leader was gone, his best friend was gone, and now one of his little sisters had left to save everyone. Star just ran to him and hugged him while they both cried in Raven's room.


The next day he called Bumble Bee and told her everything. She just stood there in shock as she processed everything she was just told. After a couple of minutes of talking they decided that her and Aqua-lad were gonna leave Titans East Tower in the care of Jinx, Kid Flash,Speedy, Mas, Menos, and Pantha.


1 year after Raven left. 2 years after Rob and BB left( see what I did there, YJ ran for like 2 seasons).

Rob and BB got letters every once and a while. They were told when Bumble Bee and Aqualad joined. When Terra joined. When Aqualad and Terra started going out. They were never told when Raven left.


A/N:Oh the sadness, the FEELS. Guess what's in the box. No, it's not a giant chicken, or is it. BYE!

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