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Dick Grayson=NightWing

Victor Stone= Cyborg

Garth= Aqualad

Garfield Logan=Changeling

Kyd Wykkyd=Elliot Wykkyd

"Why don't you just let him use your prom outfit." joked Cyborg

"Dude, not funny. I'm nearly Dick's height."

"Garfield has a point Vic." said Aqualad

"Guys he's just joking." said Zander

"Thank you." replied Cyborg

"Yeah I guess. Lets just search for our outfits" said NightWing

"I found mine." said Zander pulling out his Phone to play.

"How?" asked Cyborg

"By looking." replied Zander

"Don't sass me." said Cyborg

"Then don't ask a simple question. Like you could be done like Aqualad." said Zander

"You are truly related to Rachel." said Changeling

"Hehe, yep. Ugggh I'm bored. I finished all my games." said Zander

"Then wait." said NightWing.

"I found one for me. Hey Dick, look at this. Do you want it?" asked Cyborg

"Sure. Hey Garfield this one seems good for you." said NightWing

"Yeah." Changeling said

"Rachel would love it." said Cyborg

"Duude, no." said Changeling

"Hehe. She would "said Kyd Wykkyd coming out from behind a rack with a suit on his hand

"No, just, uggh,no, please stop." said Changeling

"We all know you have a crush on her." Said Kyd


"Dude chill, we think she like you too." Said Zander

"Keyword: THINK, what if she doesn't." Said Changeling

"So do you like her?" asked NightWing with Cyborg, Kyd, and Zander behind him. She was practically a sister to all of them and she was KW younger sis.

"Well-" started Changeling but got cut off because NightWing's cell started ringing

'Saved by the bell.'thought Changeling


"All right guys, lets meet the girls back home." said Zander and they left.

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