Important Information

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Everything you will need to know is down below ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Welcome to Omega! This book has been on my mind for a couple of months now and although I only thought of a few chapters I hope this book will thrive and succeed the way I want it to.

I want to thank you all for choosing this book to read and those of you who've read my other books, welcome back.

This book, though, will be different from my others. As my others have already been rewritten or are in the middle and have slightly been edited, this one has not, meaning you are reading the unedited version with many mistakes that I will fix when it is pointed out nicely or noticed when I go back to read it.

There are some things I'd like to go over before you head on to the chapters ahead.

This book as I've said is unedited. There will be mistakes, uncomplicated sentences and words that might look very very weird. That is simply because I rushed in writing it or was to busy to sit down and try to make the chapter without mistakes.

This book also contains Mature Themes, maybe not a lot but there will be some. Ranging from abuse, violence to sex that you will not be warned about. The only warning you'll get is. But if there is a sexual play consisting of more than one partner then you will get a warning but that is highly unlikely. The other warning you will get is if there is cutting or self harm in anyway. Granted I don't think there will be any but there might be closer to the middle or even the end.

I do have rules for my books which aren't hard to follow at all.

I don't like rude comments! If you have something to say about me, my readers or the book itself please leave that to yourself. If you get annoyed of the book please don't leave any type of that comment behind, it will be deleted and if you keep commenting then I will block you. It's purely because I don't want any arguments starting.

Religion. Please please don't leave any religious quotes or comments in my book. I get that you believe what you believe but not everyone does and that could lead to an argument of some sorts and I don't want that to happen. I am an atheist or whatever you'd like to call me. I believe there is someone out there just not the person everyone else believes in and it's very annoying having to read comments where people are being hateful to each other because of what they believe in.

I don't diss it, I just don't want to hear it. :-)

However the only religion that will be mentioned is the goddess (moon goddess) as that is apart of the werewolf culture. If another god is mentioned it will play alone the lines of Greek or Celtic mythology and will have ties to another supernatural species but not humans.

Chapter rules and information:

I don't have many rules, my main one is to be nice and don't put angry or hateful comments up. Treat my book the way you'd want your book to be treated. I've heard that karma is a pain in the ass. The next rule is to not highlight the whole chapter just to make a comment on one section. I don't like trying to figure out which comment goes where and it ruins the chapter when a reader wants to comment but can't. It's annoying. I will delete the comment.

Also I know some people may be wondering how long my chapters are. In my other books they are at least 1,200 words but I've decided to cut that down to at least 500 to 1,200. The reason I'm doing that is so that your mind won't have to process everything all at once and it will be easier to remember, edit and read.

I don't want to rush the story like my others so yes, my chapters will range from those numbers and in between. On occasion though, when a smut scene does appear the chapter is normally longer and is around 1,700 words or more.

All Rights Reserved when it comes to this book. You may not copy, share or steal ideas from this book without the Author's consent, me, which I will more than likely say no to because of problems from people thinking I or the other Author stole ideas. I've had it happen before and I don't want it to happen again so please respect my wishes and stay as far away from copying my ideas down for another books under your name. You can-will be sued.

I don't have much else to say at this point in time just follow my rules and we'll both be happy campers!

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