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My eyes snap open as my alarm blares to life reminding me of the day that is yet to begin. My daily routine starts up. Wake up at 5, get that nice Vanilla Nitro Boost coffee from the Coffee Bean down the street that thankfully is open for 24 hours. Then the real fun begins.

Grueling training.

What else do you expect from a CIA operative. My schedule has not been this pact since I first started in the Foreign Relations department. Ever since that day in the UN building. I was assigned to protect King T'Chaka, but I failed. 

I was one of the only survivors to be hit by the bomb full force. When they found me in the ruble, they said it was a miracle I survived. King T'Chaka had pushed me down and away from him, he did what I couldn't do.

For this reason, the CIA blames me for killing a potential ally. It has been so long since the death of someone has caused me so many nightmares. Days on end filled with no sleep, restless nights, hearing those damn bombs go off. It won't end.

Facing T'Challa was the worst. How could I look my friend in the eye and tell him that his father, a King, gave up his life for mine. That's when I disappeared. Took as many missions as I could to keep me occupied with my time.

Life sucks.

That's when Agent Ross called me. He said that the CIA needed me back, they needed Wolf. I wanted out of the CIA so bad, working for them was like having a split personality disorder. But I couldn't leave, not when they were suspicious. I had been planning on moving to Wakanda. Somewhere no one would find me. No one would know me. I would just be Kiana Reynolds. Not Agent Wolf.

Agent Ross was my friend, my best friend in fact. We were like Dr. Jekel and Hyde. You can tell who the crazy one was. We played bad cop good cop. Wasn't it ironic that I was the bad cop.

Lets get back to the point.

We had a mission in South Korea. Something about a new weapon made from Vibranium. We had been hunting down the dealer named Klaw for a while now. Apparently, he was responsible for the bombing during the UN meeting. And I can't wait for my fist to be acquainted with his face.

"Agent Wolf report for debriefing," a robotic voice orders from the intercom.

My hands stop punching the bag as I take a look up. All eyes are on me, nothing has changed. I wipe the sweat that has formed on my brow taking a big gulp of the water.

"Try not to mess up to badly Wolf," someone yells from behind me.

"Your dad should have told that to your mom before you were born," I shout back as I continue walking. None of these people here were worth my time.

Just one more mission then I can get out of here.

Just catch Klaw, kill him, then get out of there.

It seemed very simple , but was I wrong.

Hay you guys, so I don't know if you guys like the prolouge but im working on writeing more and more chapters. Is the length of the prolouge good to use on my other chapters or should I make them longer. Please tell me if you guys are enjoying the story. Please excuse my grammar, I suck at it and I am going to have my partner to take a look at it once I get along with the story so it is unedited. Thank you all so much! Enjoy!

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