Chapter 2

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Walking around Korea was like I was walking around New York. Everyone was hustling. Vendors shouting in the streets, ushering pedestrians to buy their goods. I was strolling here and there, pretending to not understand the language as they trash talk this "African." God, I loved the world. The strong prey on the weak, while the weak try to climb up the ladder only to realize that it was much better on the bottom.

I was just passing by this nice restaurant called, "Jen BBQ."

Maybe I should come back with Everett after this ordeal is over. It would be our last meal.

I'm not planning on going to the States after this, I can't have them track me.

I was brought back to reality after I heard a very disgusting laughter come from in front of me.

I look up, my eyes barely glancing up, my scarf hiding my mouth from the cold air.

My eyes connecting with a deep brown color. His hair is in dreads, hovering over one of his eyes. That moment when our eyes connected, it felt like a spark. I can't explain the feeling, and I would not go as far as saying it was love at first sight. But there was something there.

His eyes flash, I immediately connect them to an animal, he had the eyes of a predator.

Then I heard the giggling again, my eyes flashed down looking at that thing he had under his arm. I could feel his eyes following my movements. My eyes glance up, he is smirking.

That bastard.

My eyes harden.

His mouth is open, and good lord. His set of pearly whites with two gold plated fangs on the bottom row. 

I huff it out, who needs men. Even when they look like that. I bite my lip from under my scarf.

I continue to walk, ignoring him as I walk past the happy couple.

My breath leaves my mouth as we pass each other. His shoulder brushing up against mine as we cross.

I smell his cologne, the musky scent of the wilderness mixed with his natural smell. It was in short, addicting.

I continue walking, feeling him stare at my back as I walk away.

Damn, I look good. Probably even better walking away from him.

It is a shame that I am never going to see him again, oh well. It was some good arm candy.

My phone chimes.

Oh well, back to work.

Sup guys, this is just a filler. So, half way through when I was writing this we had a lockdown drill so I couldn't finish it. But the next part will be up soon and I am working on it.

Reading my fanfic be like

Reading my fanfic be like

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