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👽 👽 (Get the reference? BTW, this story will have some mature language and mature themes. That's why the story is rated mature!)

"Hajima! Ani!" the brunette male pleaded, on his knees in front of his boyfriend in the freezing cold rain at midnight.

"I never loved you Taehyung!" his boyfriend shouted.

"D-don't say that Chiminie! Please, don't go!" Taehyung cried.

"I won't listen to you anymore! I never loved you! Get that through your fucking thick skull of yours!" Jimin raged. Taehyung doesn't believe the sight in front of him. The Jimin he knows-well used to-would never do this to anyone. He'd never hurt a fly and that's one reason why Taehyung loved him dearly.

"W-why?" Taehyung asked, his voice sounding so fragile.

Jimin laughed and it boomed in the pouring rain.

"You never satisfied me enough! You never did anything to please me whatsoever!" He grinned.

I was shocked. "I did too! I kept buying you all these nice and expensive things with my money just for you! I took you traveling across the world with the must luxurious transportation and comfort! Wasn't that enough!?"

Jimin laughed again and kicked a stray can on the sidewalk. "You never pleasured me! You wanted to wait until marriage. Well guess what? I'm tired of waiting! I'm tired of waiting for you for two damn years!"

This threw me back even more. I stood up on my shaky knees and looked at him straight in the eye and yelled, "You should have told me earlier! You shouldn't have led me on! YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!"

"Mhm!" Jimin agreed. "Sayanara bitch!"

"Please, don't go!" I pleaded again, hot tears that painted my face.

Jimin stepped off the sidewalk into the street. His back became smaller and smaller. I was about to walk away. That is until I heard a scream and a loud crash.

JIMIN!!! My mind shouted. I ran towards the way he left and what I saw before my eyes, I wish I had never seen that day. Jimin should have never left that night. He shouldn't have gone.

(I hope you guys like this! Please give it a like and leave a comment down below! Any volunteers to make a wonderful amazing cover for this book for me? Love you guys and see you tomorrow with a new chapter!)


"Don't Go" || k.th+j.jk ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now