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Smut warning.

Jimin and Jungkook rushed into the apartment, and immediately started a passionate make out session. Jungkook pushed Jimin back into a wall, running one hand up his shirt, the other firmly against the wall for support. Jimin smiled as they kissed, and started to unbutton Jungkook's shirt, then tried to unbutton Jungkook's pants, but failed, and ended up palming him instead. They had to break away to breathe, but the two kept their foreheads together.

"Damn it Jimin..."

"'re already hard? Cause that makes two. I mean, who wouldn't be at this beautiful sight?" Jimin looks Jungkook up and down, biting his bottom lip, to see the muscles in his chest and stomach, and his unbuttoned, now unzipped pants, exposing his boner.

"Jimin hyung~ don't say it like that..." Jungkook buried his head into Jimin's neck.

"How would you rather it be heard? Oh! How about this." He cleared his throat for dramatic effect. "Jungkook, you look so horny, does that mean we can fuck n-ah~"

Jimin was surprised by the sudden action on his neck, his sweet but sensitive neck, that Jungkook was now kissing and sucking on. He continued to make marks. "W-what are you doing Jungkook?"

"Marking you."

"But if I'm already yours, do you n-ah~ need to mark me?"

"I see people look at you like I would...I don't like it."

"Jealous much are we?" Jimin smiled at how pure and tender Jungkook's intentions had become. "Don't worry okay? I'm definitely yours, and you're definitely mine. Especially tonight."

Jungkook stopped his markings to look at Jimin, who was confident, but just as red as Junkook had become. "You're ready?"

Jimin whined. "I've been ready for so long."

Jungkook smiled and picked Jimin up fireman style, walking to the bedroom, while Jimin let his hands slide down to Jungkook's ass, touching and feeling it. Jungkook blushed more at the touch. "Jimin hyung..."

"Just let me touch you, don't be embarrassed." But even as he said it, he could feel his own face heat up.

Jungkook flopped Jimin on the bed, and looked him up and down. He then shook his head and tsk'd. "You see, there's something wrong here."


"There's something wrong here." Jungkook looked him up and down again, giving Jimin a wave of anxiety. Were they not gunna do it after all? What was wrong?

"Which is?..."

"You still have clothes on."

Jimin smiled in relief. "Well that's an easy problem to fix. Help me take them off?" He smirked a little as Jungkook got a little red.

Jungkook moved forward and put one knee in between Jimin's legs rubbing him a little, reaching down and slowly, agonizingly slowly taking Jimin's shirt off, exposing his skin. "Damn..." Jungkook looked at Jimin's exposed chest. "Now I understand how you feel."

"Exactly. So hurry up~" Jimin whined.

"No can do. I like teasing you, it's a great way to make you horny...b-by the way." He finished his sentence quickly, trying not to make him seem more perverted then he was.

"Mmmmmm~ why are you like this. I just want you to touch me and love me, and you just want to tease me. If you want a show, then let me be on top. Then you'll really see something horny."

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