Café Visit

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(An actual story chapter)

Hyungwon's P.O.V.

          This, in my opinion was insane, I mean going to meet someone I've only talked to for one full day and I've never even talked on the phone with before. Nonetheless as soon as our work in Gangnam finished and we were 'released' Minhyuk had pulled up the directions on his phone and had excitedly dragged me down the sidewalk. You see Minhyuk had an outstanding hope that Hyunwoo would be there, which he will be because I told Wonho to make sure he was. "Hyungwonie, do you think he'll be there?" I rolled my eyes at him as he clung to my arm. "Why are you so obsessed with him anyway?" I asked as I saw the twinkle in his eyes. "He's cute, he's beautiful, he loves me, and he's nice!" He exclaimed. "So? You have plenty of fans like that." He nodded. "I suppose that's true, there's just something different about this one, he makes my heart feel weird." Minhyuk let out a high squeak and covered his face. "So have you talked to him then?" Knowing Minhyuk, that's a legitimate question, he jumps into things with no thought. "I've seen a picture!" I scoffed. "Because you used me to convince his friend!" I retorted and he leaned back pouting. "I will talk to him if he's there!" He assured, the determination in his voice was evident. "And I'll awkwardly third-wheel?" He looked at me confused. "What about Wonho?" He asked. "He's working Min, it's not like he can take off just because I'm there to see him." Minhyuk stopped short and turned me to face him. "So you finally said it? That we're going there because of him?" I rolled my eyes but nodded. "We're going because he seems to be a nice person and I appreciate what he does." Minhyuk wiggled his eyebrows. "Anyway, it should just be around the corner so I don't really need my phone out." He ended the route and put his phone into his pocket. He smiled and took my hand to yank me in the direction of the cafe.

              When we entered a regular bell sounded above our heads and a cheery voice announced from the counter: "Welcome to YOLO Café, where our goal is to make you feel like you can be yourself!" Minhyuk and I both laughed at the cheesy opener. We made our way up to the counter and I realized who the cheery voice had come from. "W-Wonho, hey!" I pulled my mask down from my face and he gasped. "Sorry, I know you said to expect you, it's just, surreal." He seemed to nervously fiddle with the cuffs of his uniform. Minhyuk laughed and took his mask down as well. "Hey by the way is-" "He's over there by the wall." Wonho cut him off by pointing towards a table. "Yesss!" Minhyuk pumped his fist in the air and waved as he skipped away. "What has got him so whipped for my friend?" Wonho looked as Minhyuk's light figure drifted towards his target. "I asked the same thing." I watched as Minhyuk sat right in front Hyunwoo and the latter jumped in his seat. "I'm happy for Shownu." Wonho said suddenly. "He hasn't had a lot of good things in his life." Wonho was smiling brightly and he finally actually looked at me. "Anyway, can I get you something to drink?" He pointed to the menu behind him. "Right, well since you know me so well why don't you recommend something." Wonho seemed embarrassed but nodded. As he sat there considering I noticed his name tag. "Hoseok?" I didn't mean to say it out loud, but it just seemed to slip out into the air. "Huh? Oh, right I forgot to mention that, sorry." He mumbled from behind the counter. "So your real name is Lee Hoseok?" He nodded reluctantly. "Yes, but if you must, call me Shin Hoseok, I haven't gone by Lee Hoseok since high school." He seemed to have some deeper reason for the dislike of his given name, but I just met the guy, I don't want him to think I'm stalking him now. "Well anyway, I think I know what to make you, you can go sit down." I nodded. "When you call for it just call for Jay please." He nodded and I made my way over to the #Showhyuk 'couple'. "Wow! I mean Wonho had mentioned you messaged him but I didn't know that Hyungwon had too!" Hyunwoo looked to be in the middle of gushing to Minhyuk and I felt awkward approaching. "Sorry to be a third wheel but I don't want to be alone." I said as I pulled out a chair next to Minhyuk. "Aish, Hyung don't say stuff like that." Minhyuk lightly punched my arm, but I could see the pink begin to tint his cheeks. "Anyway, Hyunwoo, back to what we were talking about, I'd really love to get to know you better." Judging by his silence I'm sure the poor boy was in absolute shock. "I-I-I.." He gave up talking and just violently nodded his head. Minhyuk's eyes lit up and his lips curved in an excited smile. "See I told you, I'm a third wheel." Shownu laughed and stood up. "I'll be back in a sec." Minhyuk wistfully watched as Shownu made his way towards a short hallway. "Hyung~" Minhyuk whined, "I think I'm in love with Hyunwoo~" He cooed and rested his head in hands. "Geez that was quick!" I said as he began idly playing with his hair. "Hyung I'm serious, I don't know why, but I feel drawn to him." His face went pink again and he giggled. "Calm your hormones." I scolded. "I just can't help it!" He exclaimed. "Well control it at least a little he's coming back....with Hoseok?" I was confused upon seeing Hoseok following Hyunwoo only a few paces behind. "I thought you were working till six." I stated as he sat down. "Hyunwoo is infamous for getting me out of work." He replied setting his neatly folded apron on his lap. "Aah, it was nothing, I mean your idol is visiting the café I wouldn't want you to feel jipped." I laughed and Hoseok covered his face with his hand. "So what did you guys talk about while I was making coffee?" He asked. "Nothing much!" Minhyuk exclaimed before anyone else could get a word in. "So Hyunwoo..." Minhyuk turned to face him again and I quickly felt like a third wheel once more."U-Um, Hyungwon, s-so, hi, I guess..." Hoseok released a jumble of hanging sentences. "You're nervous, right?" He nodded shyly. "There's no need to be, I'm just a friend." I reached out my hand and put it over his hand to console him. "T-Thank you..." Hoseok looked confounded at our hands. "Well, I'd like to say in person how much I appreciate your support." I said looking him in the eye. "It's really nothing-" "It's not nothing, it-it's very important to me." His hand retracted from under mine and he began fiddling with the cuffs of his sleeve. "Why me?" He responded with a shaky voice. "Originally, because Minhyuk, likes your friend," I dropped my voice to a whisper, "Now it's more because I actually enjoy talking to you." I finished. "Whoa..." I'm pretty sure he didn't even mean to say it, but his expression when he did was adorable. Just when I felt myself get engrossed in the moment my phone rang. I looked down and saw that the caller I.D. was our manager. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Look, I know Minhyuk mentioned that you two were going to a café but I seriously need you back here at the dorms!" I was slightly concerned by how earnestly he was speaking. "Is Jooheon ok, are you ok?" I asked. "Probably, and yes, it doesn't seem anything serious, but Jooheon is running a low fever and asking for you two." I nodded to help myself process. "I'll tell Min and we'll head out soon." "Okay, I gotta go now."  Before I could respond he hung up and I frowned. "Who was that Hyung?" Minhyuk asked. "Manager Park, we need to get back the dorms, Jooheon's running a fever and he's whining for us." As I thought, Minhyuk's face went sad but he nodded. "That boy is such a cock-block even when he's not here." He mumbled. "Anyway it was nice to meet you Hyunwoo, I'll be in touch." He smiled at the boy who was obviously baffled. I turned to Hoseok. "Same to you 'Wonho', I'll message you." He smiled back and nodded. "I hope your friend is ok." He said and I nodded. "Bye." He began waving and Minhyuk and I finally turned to leave. "See Hyung, it was a good thing we came." Minhyuk said as we pulled our masks on. "But we didn't even get to have coffee!" I whined as we began leaving. "Well I'm sure Wonho wouldn't mind if you stopped my more often." Minhyuk teased. "That doesn't help me now though." Min rolled his eyes. "We have coffee at home, where our sick friend is dying, let's go." I had expected him to be the one that would want to stay there, but now it was me. 

Because as much as I enjoy writing the Instagram parts the writer in me wanted a full-length chapter. I was almost done with this at like 1 A.M. but I kept falling asleep while writing so I had to put it off till today.

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