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28291 likes❤️hyungwon_ee I have embraced the memeView Commentswonhoe_bunny Whoa! New Hair???                              Delete Post?Yes/No       "Hyungwon what were you thingking!" The manager yelled as he was sat across from them in a meeting room

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hyungwon_ee I have embraced the meme
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wonhoe_bunny Whoa! New Hair???
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       "Hyungwon what were you thingking!" The manager yelled as he was sat across from them in a meeting room. "Dying your hair with no word to anyone at the company, and then making a public post without telling us!" Hyungwon should be embarrassed, he should care, so why doesn't he? "If you wanted your hair dyed pink there were other ways!" He scoffed. "You guys always show me the same colors, brown, black and, blonde, I tried some stuff on my impromptu day off and it inspired me!" He smirked at the managers fuming faces. "Chae Hyungwon, I swear if you weren't so loved by your fans you'd be out the door." The manager said sternly. "I'm aware. Can I go now?" The manger rubbed his temple and motioned for him to get out. He shut the door behind him and was greeted by Minhyuk and Jooheon and their worried expressions. "Same old, same old guys. 'If your fans didn't love you so much we'd ditch you.'" They sighed in relief but also frustration. For one they were ticked at their managers who always treated Hyungwon like shit whenever he messed up, but they were also ticked off by all of Hyungwon's sudden spontaneity, and refusing to admit it was because of Hoseok. "What are we supposed to do now?" Minhyuk asked as they walked back. "I don't know, Starship is  probably using all their small little brains together to find a way to dispose of me quietly." He said sassily shrugging his shoulders. "Why don't you sound concerned?" Jooheon said following close behind Hyungwon. "If I get kicked out they'll go through more trouble then having me being here, so if they want to dig their own grave and then throw themselves into it, that's their own decision." Hyungwon heard the heavy sighs from his bandmates. "We seriously don't have the time for this Wonnie,   Jooheon just started to feel better and now your acting like a little teenager!" Surprisingly Min was the one that violently grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. Hyungwon looked down at Minhyuk who looked genuinely mad. "Tell me honestly,  what the hell are you and Wonho!" He added with a stern expression. "Friends." He glared back at Minhyuk. "Than why did you alm-" Hyungwon cut him off by covering his mouth. "Don't say it so loudly Min! People could hear you!" He scolded and MInhyuk quickly pushed him off. "You're an idiot Chae Hyungwon!" I hand hit hard against Hyungwon's cheek and Min's eyes widened as soon as he realized what had happened. Minhyuk looked over at Hyungwon but didn't bother to try and apologize. He simply gave a small bow and walked away, Jooheon looked between the pair then, giving an apologetic smile to Hyungwon, followed after Minhyuk. He pulled his hair in frustration and pulled out his phone to call Hoseok. "Hey hyung..." He mumbled as soon as the other line picked up. "Hyung? You must be in a bad mood if you're using honorifics."  Hyungwon chuckled at his words. "Yeah, I think I really messed up this time." Hyungwon replied sliding down to sit against a wall. "What happened?" Hoseok's concerned voice was an odd comfort for Hyungwon. "I wasn't supposed to dye my hair pink, and I lied to you..." Hyungwon mumbled. "Let's take this one at a time, firstly why'd you dye hair?" Hyungwon could hear rustling from Hoseok's end and figured the boy was getting comfortable. "I really liked the wig...that's a bad reason isn't it?" Hyungwon questioned as he laughed at himself. "It's not, it means my wig skills were super awesome, but why didn't you ask your company?" Hyungwon sighed. "They would've said no." Hoseok hummed in response. "So what'd you lie to me about?" Hyungwon began to fidget with the sleeve of his free arm. "W-When I ran out of the house I canceled with Minhyuk and called a close friend who took me to his siblings' hair salon and I got this done." He heard Hoseok laugh on the other end. "Well that's not that bad, I was afraid you were gonna tell me you lied about having a good time with me." Hyungwon's breath caught short and he shook his head even though he knew the older couldn't see him. "Not at all, I had a great time!" Hoseok laughed at the younger's nervous tone. "Hyungwon it's ok if you ever don't like something I've done, you don't always have to get so flustered about it." Hyungwon smiled. "Oh yeah, I really messed up with Min as well." He said rubbing his cheek. "He'll forgive you, as long as he talks to Shownu and has some time to cool down."  Hyungwon nodded again. "I feel better now, thank you Hoseokiee~" Hoseok blushed at the way the younger said his name. "Ah! If you're ok now I should start getting ready for work I have a later shift today." Hyungwon nodded. "You can go, I'll be fine." Hoseok didn't trust how shaky his tone. "Are you sure? I can always call in sick!" The older insisted "Stop making me want to ask you to stay." Hoseok laughed. "I'm your fanboy, you know I'd be honored to stay with you in anyway I could." Hyungwon laughed. "I can't let you, so I'm gonna go before I change my mind, goodbye Hoseokiee, I love you Hyung." He hung up before the elder could respond. On the other side of the city Hoseok sat staring dumbfounded at his phone.  'I love you Hyung.' Those words kept resonating in his head and he took a few minutes to freak out. He wished he'd time to tell the younger that he also loved him. Even if Hoseok's feelings might include a little more romantic feelings.   
XthepigtailednerdX My hoe of a friend would not let me live last night reminding me of the crap I put on my Wattpad diary.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XthepigtailednerdX My hoe of a friend would not let me live last night reminding me of the crap I put on my Wattpad diary

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