Truth Told

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4 Weeks Later

{Hoseok's P.O.V.}

             Life hasn't really been all that exciting, I still meet up with Hyungwon every week, I still go to work every day, this week I started going back to school, and today my sister finally comes. I feel bad that I won't be there to greet her but I can't afford any more work than I'd already missed preparing. I'd prepared everything in advance, because I knew that's what she'd expect, Shin Hayoon expects nothing but the best. I hustled around the café  bringing coffee to people and taking orders, the usual. I heard the bell turn and my coworker give the cheesy opening and quickly glanced in that direction while listening to the order I was taking. Hyungwon My heart sped up and I quickly wrote down the order and rushed back behind the counter. "Ah, Hoseok, so you are here!" I stopped short before turning around. I saw Hyungwon smiling, no Minhyuk. "Yeah, hi, I'm a little busy, I'll text you later?" His smile faded. "Will you really? You've been avoiding me for a few weeks, even when we see each other you're distant." He wasn't wrong, after I had told him I needed time we hadn't communicated much. "I've been busy with school, getting back to that has been weird, and all the professors are trying to pick up where we left off, and it's all kinda been a blur." He didn't seem satisfied with my answer. "When does your shift end?" He asked adjusting his stance. "Hoseok I can cover for you if you need to leave." I wanted to shake my head but Hyungwon had already agreed for me and thrown Boknam the notepad I had in my hand. "Let's go now Hoseok." I shot one last annoyed look at my coworker and stepped outside. "Now let's take a walk and talk about why you're acting weird." I nodded and we began down the sidewalk. "Soo, what exactly do you want me to say?" I asked. "The truth." He answered. "The truth? Well, my sister arrives today and she's very meticulous, so I had to prepare for that, than school has been a real hassle do to the fact that only about sixty percent of the student body has come to they're classes since the break was called off and administration is stressed, then there's work, and the fact that there was that one time you totally undermined my feelings for you." I mumbled the last part. "What was that, why did you get quiet all of the sudden?" I scrambled for a way to respond. "Just something stupid, stuff with people at school." I let out a nervous chuckle. "But anyway, you seriously couldn't even shoot me a text, let me know how you were? Changkyun wouldn't show me your messages no matter how hard I tried!" He whines and I couldn't stop myself from hugging him. "I missed you too Hyungwon, and I'm really sorry, I don't know what upset me, but I promise it wasn't your fault." I mumbled that absolute lie and he squeezed me tightly. "Hoseok, never do that to me again, I don't know why, but it really hurt." I felt my own heart sink and I nodded. "Do you want to go back to my place and just chill?" I asked when he finally released me. "Fine, but no going on your phone and avoiding me!" He warned with a pouty face. "Deal."
1. I'm pretty sure we're within the last 15 chapters of this book
2.I'm currently on vacation with fam and I can't read or write in cars so my opportunities have been limited.
3.Did y'all see the BBMAS? I mean Kelly Clarkson slayed, and so did BTS, and Janet Jackson, and basically everyone there.
Anyway have a good summer everyone, and hopefully finals go well for all those taking them!!!
Edit: I completely forgot a part title, whoops😬

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