chapter 12 base

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Paul and pat

Paul i dont wanna tell leader we have to go back to base he will be heartbroken leaving tom here also he said before tom is not allowed near scientists so he cant be a soldier

Pat calm down im sure we can do something

"R-red l-leader" god paul i cant *pat tears up*

"Yeah ? Pat why are you crying" *tord wraps his tail tighter around tom hes worried*

"S-sir w-we n-need URG I CANT DO IT" paul calm down *paul punches wall leaving a crack  *

Tord pov:

I know what they are trying to say "hahaHAAHA" im laughing while crying?! Im a weak leader i had too i growled at them "im not leaving these guys behind" tom is asleep edd runs down too see me in full form attacking the other two "TORD STOP THIS NOW" tom wakes suddenly to see me towering over paul growling "t-tord s-stop" i turn my head toms crying urg i walk over to him laying across his lap "tord why did you attack them" toms stroking me im purring?!!?!? Urg "they were saying bout taking me 'home' WELL GUESS WHAT PAUL THIS IS MY HOME "  i growl louder tom tenses up and shiws his monster details and grabs my waist with his tail like a protection

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