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Chapter written by stripedspottysocks/ the rest written by pastelpluto2o after the line: 'There was a few good things - Well, I don't know what to describe this as.'

(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
Today was shit. There's just no way to put it politely. It was shit for multiple reasons. I woke up, shaking at breathless at around 4:30am. Unfortunately, I think the haunting nightmares, (which i gained from the incident) might be coming back, and profoundly strong too.

And then, when I got to school, late as usual, my buddy Dallon was nowhere to be seen, and I had to wander the dangerous halls without a 6'3 bodyguard protecting my flimsy, feminine body from the reckless teenagers.

And THEN, our usual math teacher, Mr Stump, apparently broke his arm and we had this miserable substitute who smelled of vinegar and looked kind of like Mr Burns from The Simpsons.

There was a few good things - Well, I don't know what to describe this as. There was this new kid, tall and masculine. His eyes were big and a heated hazel colour, and gave me a strange sensation - like a kind of warmth. But before I could process him properly, Pete approached me looking angry but somewhat excited.

'Where's Dallon?' I thought to myself as I saw Spencer stood smirking behind the fringed teenager.
"Oh look, little Ryan's got nobody to protect him." Pete teased causing him and Spencer to burst into a fit of laughter.
"Please can you just leave me alone." I whispered trying to scuttle away.
"No, bitch." He spoke with a smirk baring on his face.

Needless to say the events that followed on after, but I think everything I've said here proves that my day was shit. I'm hungry now so I'm going to get some food, I'll write in here like tomorrow or something.

The diary of Ryan Ross // RYDEN //Where stories live. Discover now