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I find it fascinating. Y'know, how emotional pain just builds up in somebody's head, but nobody can see it on the outside unless they are observant enough. I've learnt to paint on a fake smile, and nobody has noticed how I just crumbled down over the past few years.

Sensitive from the most recent beating I recieved from Spencer, I hobbled into the bathroom, grasping onto the edge of the sink and watching as crimson blood dripped from my nose, onto the curve of my lips and began collecting in a pool in the pearly white basin.

I ran my sore hand through my hair, looking into the mirror. My face crumbled up and I let out a pained sob, tears trickling from my eyes and anger boiling in my blood. Breathing heavily, I swung at the mirror, my fist colliding with the glass and smashing it into pieces. I continued weeping as I slid to the cold blue tiles, breathless and in so much pain, emotionally and physically.

I lay there shaking miserably until a soft hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up, my eyes meeting somebody elses. It was him. The beautiful new kid with the big eyes and a sense of masculinity.

The kid didn't even speak as he pulled a fresh tissue from the dispenser, dampened it and began dabbing (lol) around the wound, holding onto my chin gently.

"I'm Brendon." He evntually said with a nervous laugh. "My friend Dallon-"

"Weekes?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, he said he saw you run in here and he told me to come and clean you up. Don't know why he told me of all people to choose, I can't really comfort people in these situations."

"No, no, it's okay. People were just walking pass not acknowledging me. At least you are trying." I smiled.

"Hah, yeah. Uh, who did this to you?" Brendon seemed hesitant to ask.

"I just fell over on some tarmac."

Rolling his eyes, brendon pointed at the mirror. "I don't think that's 'falling over tarmac.' Come on, you can tell me."


"Oh, that fatass senior?"

I laughed slightly, nodding my head.

"Well, don't worry, i'll sort him out."

"Please don't hurt him.."

"After all the shit he's done, i think he deserves it."

I couldn't help but agree with him on that one.

"Anyway, i'm a little bit late for class. See you, like, tommorow maybe?" Brendon suggested.

I nodded and watched as he rushed out of the door.

I couldn't help but realise the bitterness that flooded into his eyes as I mentioned the name Spencer.

I'll ask him about it next time.

The diary of Ryan Ross // RYDEN //Where stories live. Discover now