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They pushed me to the ground, Spencer clutching my collar tightly and baring his teeth in a threatening manner. Another tall , blonde boy
(his name was Corey or something) began hammering punches into my stomach as I squirmed and wriggled on the floor. Even though they were only punches, they felt like tiny knifes, driving me closer and closer to the edge. My lungs were struggling to gain air and my heart was racing. It was like I was breathing in shards of glass with every inhale, my insides stinging and my torso burning.

Blood toppled heavily from a deep wound in my soft lip and nose. My eyes clouded with tears and I let out a few struggled screeches of pain. Spencer grabbed my shoulders with his bulky hands and dragged me through the halls, a thin trail of red behind us. I was confused as to where they were taking me, until they brought me into the familiar bathroom. They grabbed the back of my neck and thrust my head into a toilet. I choked and spluttered trying to free myself of his almighty grip, but it didn't work.

When they were done, they dropped my shaking body against a wall.

"Fag." They said in unison, and then walked off, laughing evilly.

It was tramatic. It was torturous. It was driving me insane. I wrapped my arms around myself and struggled to maintain my balance as I rose from the floor.

I looked down at my hand - covered in a coat of crimson, scarred and undesirable. They could heal up pretty well, but the scars will always show, haunting me, reminding me of my worth.

My worth being.. well, nothing.

"Those twats." Brendon strolled up to me, a look of concern settling on his face. He sat down and crossed his legs, caressing my red cheek with care. He pulled a small roll of tacky bandage from his bag. "I stole this from the nurses office. Let's get you cleaned up.

I sat on the counter of the bathroom as he wrapped up my wounds, concentration filling his eyes. "Don't listen to what they tell you. Don't let what they do to you break you down. Stay strong, it will get better, i promise. Look around. The world is beautiful. You just have to break through the horror and find out for yourself."

I smiled slightly. "Thank you, just thank you."

We sat in silence after he had me cleaned up. We weren't talking with words, we were talking with our expressions and emotions. It was tranquil. It was nice.

He was nice.

The diary of Ryan Ross // RYDEN //Where stories live. Discover now