第四章 [𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐬]

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━━ 苹果 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━

"How does she look like?" Yuta asked his Chinese best friend. They were chilling in his room as Winwin munched on the snacks he had laid out on the bed.

"Well, she's beautiful." Winwin started.

"She has long black hair, she's maybe around 165 cm? She has the cutest freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are like pure caramel, I swear I could take a dip in them. And oh! She has a small beauty mark under her right eye. It's really small but it's there." Winwin continued.

"Winwin, you must have basically stared at the girl the whole time to find such detail," Yuta said in a matter of factly.

"She's really pretty okay, I'm sorry," Winwin said defensively. Yuta laughed as he ate a strawberry jam cookie.

"What does she do? Other than make you go crazy that is."

Winwin glared at the older male before responding.

"Yuta, please don't tease me. Well, she likes baking! Oh, she really loves apples, she's my uncle's number one customer! Can you believe that?"

"Yeah, I can believe that. Cute girls come to my stall all the time." Yuta smirked, cocking his left eyebrow up.

"Bet they come just for your face." Winwin teased. The Japanese boy hit Winwin in defence.

"Hey! They come for me and hot chocolate, like your name, it's a Winwin."

"Okay, hot stuff. Whatever floats your boat." Winwin replied, grabbing a chocolate chip cookie. But before he could shove it into his mouth, he sighed loudly, shaking his body in a tantrum.

"But for real, what am I gonna do? I never dated a girl in my entire life."

Throughout Winwin's 19 years living on this planet, he has never been in a relationship. He would get too shy or too nervous to ask a girl out. And it always ended in him running away before he even walks a step closer towards them.

"Aww don't worry Winwin. How bout we continue this tomorrow when you introduce me to her?" Yuta suggested.

"Okay, but you better not steal her. She's mine." The Chinese young man exaggerating on his last word.

"I won't, Winwin. I'm a man who stays true to his words."

"But you did that one time," Winwin argued, recalling that one dream he once had.

"Winwin, that was a dream and I have a girlfriend."


"So, like how do I introduce her to you?" Winwin asked his friend as he was setting up the apple stall with Yuta's help.

"Just bring her to my stall anytime. Treat her to some hot chocolate duh." He chastised, snapping his finger at the boy.

"But I'm shy," Winwin mumbled. He could feel his cheeks burning up at the thought of asking Jina for some hot chocolate.

What if she didn't want any?

What if she hated chocolate?

"Come on, we have to be a 'sangnamja', you know? I can't see you stay single forever. My main goal in life is to see you get a girlfriend and marry her or maybe owning ₩100000000 but that's unlikely so yeah."

"Sheesh, the chances of you getting that money is much higher than me getting a girlfriend."

"Aye, you never know."

"Hello, Mr Dong! How are you this afternoon?" Jina asked the old man in front of her.

"I'm doing fine Jina, how about you?" Mr.Dong asked his number one customer.

"I'm good. I brought cinnamon rolls for you to try and oh, also for you Winnie!" She smiled at Winwin who was blushing and apparently dying on the spot as we speak. Winwin couldn't believe that she decided to call him that. He didn't mind it one bit as long as it was coming out from her mouth.

Anyone else would either have to die by his hands.

"I decided to put some Granny Smiths I had leftover to balance the sweetness out. What do you guys think?" Jina asked as she handed Mr.Dong and Winwin a plate each of the baked good.

"It's really good! As always, Jina." Mr.Dong complimented and smiled warmly at the young lady.

"It's really good J-jina." Winwin stuttered at the young lady. He still hasn't got used to being around Jina. The way she smiled or talked made Winwin blush furiously every time.

"Say, Jina. You should open a stall here!" Mr Dong suggested out of the blue, causing the young duo to gasp loudly. Jina was surprised, she never thought of opening a stall by herself here in the farmers market.

"A stall here?" Jina questioned the short old man.

"Yeah, you can sell your baked goods. It would be a total hit! You could even ask Winwin for help." Mr.Dong continued. He looked at Winwin who was standing frozen beside him, "Right, Winwin? You'll help Jina right?"

"That's actually a good idea, Mr.Dong! Are you sure Winwin would want to help me? He seems busy with the apple stall here....." Jina doubted the old man.

She was worried because she thought Winwin wouldn't want to waste his time helping her. Surprisingly enough, she found the young man very cute and couldn't help but develop a small crush on the boy.

"Nonsense! Winwin would love to help you! Right, Winwin?" The old man repeated his last question, nudging his nephew's shoulder harshly. The latter was in pain but the shock dulled it completely.

"I would love to help you with your stall. I-if t-tha-that's fine with you." Winwin answered back nervously. Being closer to his crush made him a nervous wreck.

"It'll be so much fun!" Jina replied happily, her eyes glinting in excitement. She was delighted of the thought of selling her baked goods and of course, spending some time with her handsome crush.

For the whole week, Jina was busy preparing for her stall. She went to the local carpenter for a wooden market stall, bought table cloths, chalkboards, cake displays and such.

She was almost prepared but just a few things.

What kind of baked goods was she going to make? She was sure it would all involve apples. Jina loves apples that much.

"Hmm, what should the stall name even be?" Jina pondered as she paced around back and forth in her small cosy house.

"Maybe, I should ask Winwin for help?" She asked herself. She simpered at the thought of working with Mr Dong's nephew. Jina's first expression of Winwin was that she thought he was some random boy Mr.Dong picked up to work for him. However, that would be most unlikely based on how close he was to Mr.Dong. A worker wouldn't be hiding behind his boss's back. That would have been really weird.

Jina liked the way he introduced himself as she found him cute, accidentally mispronouncing his own name. That day when she made apple pie, she actually took her time to make the perfect one. She wanted Mr Dong to try it and of course, Winwin.

Without herself realising, day by day, she fell harder for the Chinese boy.

━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 苹果 ━━

APPLE STALL chapter four edited.

𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑳𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑳 ᵈˢᶜ ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora