I Only Wanna Break Your Heart

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Anna followed Brittany to the hallway leading to her dressing room. "Britt, it's not what it looks like!" Anna days with tears soaking her cheeks. Brittany looks at her and speaks between sobs, "then ex-explain to m-me!" "I went in my room to change, suddenly Anna Camp was in there. She was hitting on me and slipped her number in my towel! That's all that happened I swear!" Anna says honestly. She and Britt were together for a year and a half. There was no way that they would be able to live without each other. Britt new Anna wouldn't ever lie to her, so she hugged her tight.

*3 days letter*

Ring! Ring! Anna picked up her phone, "hello?" "Hey Anna, it's Anna Camp. I'm sorry about the other day. I actually was calling to ask if you can help me memorize my lines for when you and I go back and forth at the first belle rehearsal." "Yeah sure I'll be there in 10." Anna said to Anna C. "Okay!" They hang up. Anna Camp had started developing feelings for Anna during Acapella Boot Camp. Too bad Anna Kendrick is with Brittany... For now...

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