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**** Wren rolled his eyes, "Do you have to be so hard on the boy?"

Oracle looked at him from her station, "He questioned my age and skill in one sentence, Wren. I'm not letting him off the hook that easily."

The Latino piolet sighed, "Hey, it's your funeral, amiga."

Sasin's voice came over the comm, "I'll see to it that her end is merciful."

Wren and Oracle looked at each other with matching looks of concern.

"Did you leave the comm line open?" Wren asked.

Oracle turned off the out going comm line quickly, "Āiyā!"

Yeou's voice broke in, "Let's get down to business, people. So keep the comm clear of any unnecessary chatter."

Eagle was in full agreement, "Copy that, Boss."

Doc chuckled over the com, "You kids need to focus. I don't want to use my medical expertise on a team mate tonight."

Yeou's voice broke through the comm again, "Oracle, I need to know if Dragon's gonna join the team it not!"

Oracle sighed, "Sorry, sir. Dragon was ordered back to Japan. Seems his father went head to head with another Yakuza gang. So STRIKE sent Dragon to put a stop to it."

"Well, it's not like the Blue Dragons will listen to just anyone."

Eagle's broke in, "We don't need that Yakuza Ninja running around muckin' up my aim!"

Wren chuckled, "At least Dragon follows orders, unlike some people we know."

"Watch it!" Sasin said into his comm.


Eagle was stationed in a pre-chosen and built sniper's nest. He finished his set up and lay on his belly one knee bent, and rifle shouldered. Looking through the scope he had the perfect view of the entire area. If any of those bastards got past Yeou and Sasin (that was a very big if) he'd take them down.

Once ready he tapped his comm, "Leader One, this is Eagle One. I'm in position, with eyes on zone. "

Yeou's answering reply was swift, "Leader One copies. Keep eyes on the prize, Eagle One."

Eagle smiled to himself, "Affirmative."


Doc and Chameleon stood at the medical station, watching the vitals of their other team members.

As the team medic, it was Doc's job to keep an eye on all the vitals, and be ready for any eventuality.

Tall, dark, with deep green eyes. Doc was a native born Scotsman. His deep Scottish brogue seemed to calm most of his patients. His kind, and warm nature helped with that as well.

He was highly respected on his team for multiple reasons. One being, he was the oldest member, and had survived several battles. He's also saved each of their lives in some way.

Chameleon was the undercover plant. He'd been working on the 3B as a hired hand for a few months now.

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