Chapter 22: Found Two Lost Boys

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything that you would find familiar in the Harry Potter universe.

A/N: Things are slowly starting to get better here and hopefully they will continue to get better. My son is doing a lot better in school now that we have figured out a behavior plan that works, for now at least. Hopefully I will be able to write more than I have in the last couple of months. Enjoy.

Chapter 22: Found: Two Lost Boys

Draco was starting to get really cold and scared. Daylan was hiding behind him and glancing fearfully at the painting. Neither of the boys could understand why the snake was talking to Daylan and why only the dark haired boy could understand the hissing. All that either of the boys knew was that the picture scared the both of them. After sitting there on the floor for another five minutes the snake hissed something else at Daylan, which frightened the boy even more.

Whatever the snake had said caused Daylan to start shaking uncontrollably.

Draco was afraid that something bad was happening to his friend and there was nothing that he could do to help.

"Its ok, our daddies will find us soon. And when they do everything will be alright." Draco whispered to Daylan desperately wanting to believe the words that was leaving his own mouth.

Daylan was struggling to calm himself down, but the walls of the dungeon seeming to get scarier and darker causing his level of fear to increase. Without even realizing what he had done Daylan had shifted into his animagus form and was huddling in a ball with his tail between his legs.

Draco felt the shift and turned and grabbed a hold of Daylan taking comfort in the soft warm fur of his best friend. He knew that it was only when Daylan was really scared that he changed into the wolf puppy, and it was times like these that he just wished that he could do the same.

He gripped tighter to Daylan's trembling body and curled around him protectively in the corner, fearful tears started to leak from his eyes. "Please Daddy, Uncle Severus hurry." He whispered into the damp dark dungeon's nothingness.

Severus and Jocelyn burst into the Headmasters office startling the old wizard so much that he fell off of his chair.

"My goodness what in Merlin's name is a matter with you two?" Albus asked as he pulled himself back up into his chair. He took in Severus and Jocelyn's appearance and quickly came to the conclusion that something was wrong and it probably involved Daylan or Draco.

Severus took a deep breath, "The boys are missing. They were exploring the castle today and were told to be back in our quarters by seven. I've tried calling to Daylan through his link but I get nothing, it's like I am hitting a blank brick wall." He said as the panic started to creep into voice. There were so many dangers in and around the castle some of which that would be entirely too enticing for two six year olds to ignore.

Albus stood and made his way to the far wall of his office with Severus and Jocelyn following closely behind.

Severus was astonished to see an entire map of Hogwarts split into the different levels. In all of his years as a student and a teacher there were many places that he had never seen let alone ever imagined that those places existed.

There were four maps for the dungeons alone.

Albus raised his wand and pointed it at the map. "Manifesto Humanus." With that incantation the map lit up with named dots that moved around on the map. "Start looking for them. I imagine that they are still together."

Severus started looking at the different levels of the dungeons and hoped to Merlin that they hadn't found their way to the sub dungeon, which from what he could see was nothing but prison cells. His eyes roamed over the next map level of the dungeons. Just as he was about to move on to the next one when he was immediately drawn to one stationary dot and a flickering one that was almost on top of the other. Draco's name was clearly legible but the other dot had no name.

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