Chapter 2: Cookie Dough Factories

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Have you ever had to sit and stare at 3 gods while they watch you and your every move? No? Just me? Cool beans...

That's exactly what's happening here.

Blake, Storm, and Hunter are staring at me, waiting to make a sarcastic and awkward comment about how "I may be thunder but at least I'm not you." Yep. That's me. Rayne the Stain... the girl who uses juvenile humor to annoy Storm Spencer.

But honestly, he needs to be annoyed. Nobody ever does it, annoy him I mean. And trust me, someone SHOULD!

I mean- he just walks around the town like he owns the place, with a big head... thinking he is super sexy. He is so hot tho... not kidding. Anyway......

Wait what did I just think?!?

He's hot.




But those abs...


He's sexy.


So sexy ;)

I need to stop having these thoughts.

I look up to see Storm smirking at me, Hunter looking at me like I'm crazy and Blake shaking with laughter.

I look down to make sure I am still wearing pants when Spencer says:

"So... Thunder, am I hot enough to be lightning?"

What? Hot? Wait. A. Second. I said that crap out loud?!?!

"Ha, you wish." I retort.

"No, Thunder, I think you do... if you know what I mean," he winks at me, "You're not my type but if you want some action, my friend Blake here is free."

I look to Blake, "Nah, thanks though." I say, to more Storm then Blake.

He nods and walks away with the others, muttering something about nerds and annoyances.


School passes in a swirl of Shakespeare, X-intercepts, and Meiosis.

Fern is standing outside my locker with a piece of paper in her hand. No doubt another written explanation of why I should buy her a cookie dough company for her birthday.

"Here's another written explanation of why you should buy me a cookie dough factory for my birthday."

See? Told you.

"Thanks. Open my locker please." I respond, grabbing the six-page essay from her hands.

"Do I really have to?" She asks.

"Yes. And before you ask why, it's because I buy you ice cream at lunch so you open my locker for me. It's really a fair trade."

"I do love my ice cream." She responds. Fern twists so she faces my locker and puts in the combination, opening it like it is no big deal at all. Great. Another human who can get into my personal space without a second thought.

"We might need to rethink this deal." I tell her, putting my stuff in my locker,

"If you're thinking I'm gonna personally get into your area and take your stuff, think again. Like, I have my own biology notes I don't need yours. Now if you had cookie dough, that would be a different story." She said in 'duh' tone.

I grabbed my faded green messenger bag and threw my books into it, laughing about how my best friend is probably actually my twin so that is why we have this weird telepathic thing going on.

"When are you gonna read that fanfic I sent you? The Spider-Man one." She asked me.

In the car. "Never."

"You are so difficult!" She yelled into my face. I roll my eyes.

"I know. She wouldn't even admit that I'm sexy." A foreign voice agreed from behind us.

I snapped around. "Storm."

"Thunder." He winked at me, making me roll my eyes. Mistake.

He grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the wall. "What did you just do?" He growls. Apparently rolling my eyes at someone is illegal now.

I realized that I could die in this moment just from him touching me. Die as in he would kill me... Fear kicked in and I did the stupidest thing I could think of in the moment.

I kneed him in the "no-no zone".

He crumples with pain and I take that as a sign to run for my life. No peasant knees a god in the crotch without dying.

So running seems smart in this situation.

Even though he's the faster one and I have asthma, I somehow outrun him and end up in a closet. I hear footsteps outside run right past the door.

I catch my breath and slip out the door, right past the office, and into my brother's car without dying.

Yay! I didn't die!

And better yet: Spider-Man awaits!! The gods have spared me!

I open my phone and find a Snapchat from Storm. Great. Maybe the gods won't spare me. Literally.

I click the little red box and a picture of him pops up with a caption that says:

HUGE mistake, thunder. I'll get you back for this one. And you won't see it coming.

I start a Snapchat saying "Yeah right," when the car door next to mine opens and someone jumps in. I ignore it, it's probably another one of my brother and his friends' stupid other friend.

I click send and just when I think I can read my spider man, another Snapchat pops up from Storm. I groan and open it up.

What I see on the screen makes me want to jump out of the car even though it's in motion.

A picture...

of me...

with a caption saying:

I see you thunder... can't hide much longer. Don't forget, I know where you sleep.

I send a middle finger emoji and hope he will leave me alone when I get to my house. At least long enough to read that Spider-Man!

I swear. I don't even know why I like Spider-Man. I have never watched the movies or even know anything about it other than it's a man in a jumpsuit who ate a spider or something and then can make spiderwebs and save hot women from tall buildings. Like honestly, whoever came up with this storyline is either a genius or actually crazy. Maybe both. Like me!

Another notification pops up on my phone and I open it to find:

Sry!!! <3 :* ~fern...

Sorry? For what? I what could my best friend possibly be sorry for?

I guess tomorrow I will know...

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