Chapter 4: Real Names

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Storm's POV:

"Me? Why me?" Rayne asks.

I didn't know what to say to this. I didn't mean to admit that to her. I didn't meant to say that I wanted to talk about her. She can't know. She can't. I think of a logical 'Storm' thing to say.

'Because you kicked me in the crotch and I wanna know more about you before you're dead.'

When I opened my mouth to say just that, the words that came out were completely different. "Because staring at you just isn't enough anymore."

I keep myself from running around like a headless chicken when I realize what I said. She won't believe me. Not after Fern found that journal.

The smallest bit of hope still aches inside me, but as I see her roll her eyes, and scoff... it shatters.

"I won't play your stupid game." She says. Guilt eats up inside of me. I should have known. I shouldn't have made that stupid diary. It was to make myself cool. I wanted to dump girls out like they do in books, to find the one I wanted, and keep her without any problems.

But if there is one thing I know: books are not reality.

The conversation goes on and next thing I know, I'm in her doorway, holding beer cans, ice cream, whipped cream, and the game of monopoly.

I hope this will cheer her up, I just wanna see her smile again...


Rayne's POV:

I move my piece to Free Parking.

"Ha! Yes! I am rich!" I yell at Storm.

It's been about three hours, it's 8 at night. We have been drinking beer shakes for 3 hours. So, if you were wondering... WE ARE WASTED!

"Can I ask you something?" Storm asks.


"Do you want to play truth or dare?"


We run into my brother's room and grab Donny and Lucas from the X-box. I run downstairs and get Fern from the TV room. Donny seems to be on the phone, as is Storm and Lucas. Shoot, we are throwing a Monday night party? What about school!

The little angel on my shoulder is like: no. Go study for biology, brush your teeth, and go to sleep by nine. And while your at it, call your grandmother and say hello.


About 40 minutes later, We end up in the living room, with a big circle of about 12 people, including:
Lucas, Donny, Hunter, Storm, Me, Fern, Blake, Mike (the quarterback), Lina (head cheerleader), Celine, (a school slut) and Bella (another school slut)

The bottle spins around. It's Donny's turn to ask someone something. It lands on me. Shoot.

"Truth or dare?" He asks me.

"Truth." I say. Everyone boos, they want some action.

"Don't worry... it will be good." Donny says. He thinks for a moment, "If you had to choose one person in this room to kiss, who would it be?"

I look around, considering my options.

Hunter looks like a good option. He's obviously drunk so he won't remember anything.

"Hunter." I say.

Everyone looks from me to Hunter and then they move on. I spin the bottle around and it lands on Fern.

"Fern: Truth Or Dare?"


"Kiss someone in this room."

She nods and creeps towards my brother's direction. At the last second she turns her head and kisses Mike right on the lips. She scrambles back to my side before he can even process what happened.

Everyone laughs, including Fern and Mike.

Fern spins the bottle. It lands on Storm. She looks to me immediately and back to Storm. Great, a twin thing. They are having a mind reading session...

"Storm, truth or dare." She says.


"If you had to go on a date and hook up with one person in this room, who would it be? Take your time."

He scans the room. Lina, Bella, and Celine all adjust themselves to show more than I want to see.

He looks me dead in the eye for a small moment before moving on to Lina.

"If I had to hook up with one person in this room, it would be...


This takes everyone by surprise, including myself. The reason everyone else seemed confused is because he was looking at Celine dead in the eye when he said those words. Even I was expecting Celine's name to come out of his mouth.

But what took me by surprise more, was the fact that he used my real name. For the first time. EVER.

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