I'll see you soon

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We walked to the end of the woods when the others stopped walking. They told me that I have to do this myself, Jeff looked like he wanted to disagree but Slendy "looked" at him. I took a deep breath and slowly walked to the side of my house and climbed up the tree to get to my window. I opened it and crawled through the window and looked around my room. Everything was the same as i left it. I grabbed my suitcase that I had in my closet and started packing all my clothes and makeup. When I was done I was about to leave when I saw a picture on my dest of me and my mom when I was 15. I wanted to see her so badly and tell her I'm fine but I know I can't. But I left a note and I know that isn't a good idea but I had to.

Dear Mom,

I'm doing fine, Please don't worry. I love you and will be home soon but I can't right now. Please don't cry, I need to do this in order to keep you safe. I love you and I'll be home soon... I promise.

I closed my window and walked back to the others and we walked back to the mansion.

"I'm gonna go unpack my things" I said and walked to my room. I sat on my bed and started playing music on the mp3 player BEN gave me. I sat in my room listening to music all night crying. I'm glad I met all of them but I don't know why I feel like this. All I wanna do is run from everyone, but that won't solve anything. I don't want them worrying about me. I changed into some shorts and a big orange sweater. I put my hair and took off all the makeup I had on and shut off the light and crawled into bed. I kept my music on and went to sleep.

I woke up in a white room. I tried sitting up theb my head started spinning. I looked around the room and all there was is a chair.

"Jeff? Jack?"

"Their not here" said a high voice. I looked where the voice came from and there was that women that attacked me and Jeff. She was standing by the door holding a knife.

"What do you want from me" I asked. She came closer to me and I kept a eye on her knife. She noticed and smiled.

"Don't worry Alice, I'm not going to hurt you. Yet."

"Then what do you want" I glared at her.

"You wanna know something about your little Jeffery"

"That he's a killer? I already know" she laughed.

"Why would I tell you something you already know? That's not what I wanted to tell you sweetheart."

"Then what?" I asked.


(Update) I don't even remember the last time I posted or written anything, I'm guessing not since around the beginning of the year since that was when I was in a really bad relationship, but now I'm out of it, thank god. So this is one of my stories but it seems more popular than my other ones I don't ever update. I don't remember where I left off so I'll need to read all of this again. I don't really plan on working on this story that much since I just got back on this account and I have a different story I want to write. It's a lot more special to me and close to my heart, I guess. So I will keep this story going since people are still into CreepyPasta love stories. (I think) I'm not really into CreepyPastas as much as I was since freshman year for me. I still worked on it even when I wasn't into CreepyPastas since someone messaged me asked if I will still work on the story since they like it. If you want to know the story I'm going to work on, its also a love story but about a girl in high school who opened up to one person that she keeps close to her heart and wants to help him. Something like that, lol. It sounds cheesy but I'll think of something. Thanks for everyone who likes my story. I'm finally back after going through a really tough time <3 I finally found a way back to being happy like I use to be. 

Love Moon. <3 

Don't Go, I Need You (Jeff The Killer Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now