Pie (Destiel)

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"Try it, Cas. Come on, you'll love it! I promise", Dean kept begging. Cas looked hesitantly at the plate Dean was holding out, he frowned and furrowed his eyebrows, still unsure. Dean pouted, trying his best puppy dog face, holding out the piece of pie in both hands, a fork resting on the plate.

"Dean, I've told you before. Angels don't need to eat", Castiel explained calmly.

"Yeah... but you're not an angel anymore...?"

"As you keep painfully reminding me"

"...So try the pie", Dean said again, hopeful as ever. Castiel took a deep breath and let out slowly.

"Fine", he mumbled. Dean's face lit up like a Christmas tree, he pulled the ex-angel down to sit next to him and placed the plate on the coffee table. It was a slice of apple pie with mountains of whipped cream on top. Dean practically shoved the fork into Castiel's mouth and waited impatiently for his reaction. Cas' eyes widened, not expecting Dean's enthusiasm with forcing him to taste a dessert, he chewed happily and swallowed. It tasted great.

"....Well....?" Dean asked a smile on his face.

"It was... ... satisfactory", Cas said, not wanting to sound like the human he was.

"Oh shut up, you know you loved it"

Cas felt a smile tug at his face, it felt natural. "Yeah. It was fantastic", he said before taking the fork from Dean's hand and taking another bite.

"Now here's the best bit", he whispered, looking like he was just about to tell Cas the secrets of the universe, "...cream", he finished and grabbed some cream from the pie, spreading it on Cas' face. Castiel gasped in surprise, looking at Dean, who was innocently licking the remaining cream off his fingers while looking him in the eye. Cas' face fell in shock and his breathe hitched in his throat. He blinked a few times, finding himself thinking that he would like Dean to lick cream off him. He shook his head, stopping that train of thought and wiped the cream off his face, before lunging at Dean. He had expected Dean to evade him, but when he failed to, Cas ended up on top of him. His legs trapping his body on either side, his hands pinning down his shoulders. Dean stared up at him, his face full of shock and something else that he didn't quite recognise, his eyes darker.


Castiel then smeared the cream on the bridge Dean's nose and grinned, starting to get up, but Dean stopped him by grabbing his arm and pulling him back down.

"Dean? What are you doing?" Cas asked, confused for a second. Dean stared up at him into bright blue eyes, mesmerized. He started to pull Cas' face closer, and the ex-angel didn't pull away, leaning even closer until their lips were almost touching. They were breathing heavily, eyes closed.

"You missed a spot", Dean whispered and closed the distance between them. He kissed him softly at first, tentatively, like they were still on shaky waters. Cas groaned, quickly becoming impatient and kissed Dean more furiously. He placed one hand on the back of Dean's neck, deepening the kiss before being forced to come up for air. He leaned his forehead on Dean's.

"Argh, stupid breathing", he complained seriously and frowned. Dean just laughed breathily as they both caught their breath, sharing lazy kisses every once and awhile. Cas kissed at Dean's neck, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of possessiveness. He bit down hard and Dean yelped, and then moaned as Cas licked away the pain greedily. He left a mark that he was sure would be visible for at least a week. They heard the sound of a key turning in a lock, but Cas couldn't bring himself to stop his attack on Dean's neck. Dean was too filled with lust to even notice, a moaning mess underneath his ex-angel. Sam walked into the room and shouted in surprise. "OH SHIT! Uh... sorry! I err sorry! I'm gonna go umm It's about time, never mind me, continue", he babbled before rushing out. Cas let go of Dean and started laughing while Dean was red in the face, embarrassed.

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